Coming to K12 Academics in 2012:
K12 Academics has been very busy arranging to implement a ton of valuable information to our already informative website. You can expect a lot of great new content and directories to appear this summer, fall and winter. We continue to strive to be the educational resource website for the United States.
Directories (Alphabetical order):
Acting Schools:Performing Art Schools and Programs in the U.S.
Bus Transportation: Charter Bus Rentals and Bus Transportation for class trips, athletic events, etc.
Crisis Centers: Crisis Centers for At-Risk students.
College Fairs: College Fairs in the U.S.
Counties: County Data
DMVs: DMV locations in the U.S.
Educational Companies: Companies focused on education.
Educational Conferences: State and National Educational Conferences
Educational Games: Online, Software, Smart Phone Educational Games
Educational Organizations: School, Student, Parent & Teacher State & National Organizations
Educational Publishers: Educational Publisher Companies
Educational Software: Educational Software for Schools, Students, Parents, Teachers
Educational Speakers: Speakers available for assemblies, conferences, lectures, etc.
GED Test Centers: GED Test Center Locations, Dates, Fees, etc.
Hospital Schools: Hospitals with in-house schools for children with disorders/disabilities
Hotels: Hotels, Hostels, Bed/Breakfast, Motels for Students, Schools for Class Trips.
Leadership Programs: Teacher/School Leadership Program Certifications and Training
Library Schools: Training for librarianship.
Parks: Park Information for Class Trips, events, etc.
Product Resources: Educational Books, DVDs, CDs, etc.
PTA Chapters: PTA Organizations in the U.S.
Public Schools: PreK, Elementary, Middle and High Public Schools
Rape Centers: Centers providing services for At-Risk/Abused Children
School Fairs: Fairs for Students, Teachers, Schools, Parents
School Field Trips: Field Trip Destinations in the U.S.
School Travel: Travel Options for Schools looking to arrange class trips
School Uniforms: Companies that offer tailor services for private school uniforms
Semester Schools: Advanced, College-prep Schools for Gifted Students.
Sports Apparel Stores: Athletic Apparel Stores in the U.S.
Suicide/Teen Hotlines: Hotlines helping At-Risk/Troubled Students
Supply Stores- Arts & Crafts, Music Shops, Dancewear
Teacher Summer Work: Summer/Temp jobs for teachers from May-September.
Teacher Training Programs: Programs for educators.
Teacher Workshops: Workshops for educators.
Teaching Abroad: Opportunities to teach abroad.
Website Resources: Websites offering educational content of similar focus to K12 Academics and its various content.
Youth Sports- Aerobics, Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Badminton, Baton Twirling, Biatholon, Bocce Ball, Bobsled & Skeleton, Boxing, Bowling, Canoe & Kayaking, Cheerleading, Chess, Curling, Cycling, Dance, Diving, Dodgeball, Equestrian, Fencing, Field Hockey, Figure Skating, Fishing, Foosball, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Jump Rope, Karate, Kickball, Kite Club, Lacrosse, Luge, Martial Arts, Motocross, Mountain Biking, Paddleball, Penthatholon, Powerlifting, Racewalking, Racquetball, Ratfing, Rowing, Sailing, Skateboarding, Skiing & Snowboarding, Soccer, Softball, Speedskating, Squash, Surfing, Synchornized Swimming, Shooting, Softball, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Track & Field, Trampoline-Tumbling, Triatholon, Volleyball, Waterpolo, Waterskiing, Weightlifting, Wrestling: 55 national directories featuring clubs, leagues, teams for every youth sport in the U.S.
Content (Alphabetical Order):
Career Planning: Options for a career after high school and beyond.
Child Abuse: Types, Prevalance, Causes, Effects, Prevention, Treatment, Ethics and Organizations
Children Plays: Information on various options for Classroom and School plays
Classroom Activities: Games and Activity options for the classroom.
Classroom Behavior: Various classroom behavior and methods to deal with various issues.
Educational Games: Online Educational Games
Educational Movies: Documentaries and Educational Movies. Including: Trailer, Synopsis, Reviews.
Educational State Data: Enrollment, Childcount, Race Ethnicity, Graduates, Suspensions, Expulsions,Program Totals, Grade Level Totals, Meal Status Totals (Free, reduced, Full Price), Gender Totals, etc.
Healthy Environment: Green Options, Schools involved in enviornmental issues
Indian Education/Native American Education: Educational options, grants, scholarships, etc. for Indian/Native Americans.
Learning English: Options for students learning english
Literacy Program: Literacy Programs by State.
Neglected/Deliquent Students: Additional information under our 'At-Risk Students' section on K12 Academics.
Online Calculator: Complete basic and advanced math equations using our online calculator.
PreK/K Songs: Songs for the classroom. Including- Video(s) and Lyrics.
School Bus Transportation: Bus Transportation information by State.
School Closing: School Closing information by State.
School Field Trip Stories: Stories and/or images from class field trips. Teachers, Students, Parents may post.
School Safety: Important saftey measures and implementations being placed into the classroom and schools by each state.
State Education Testing: Testing Dates/Times/Locations
State Performance Test Results: Test results and demographics by State.
State Student Standards: Student Standards by state/subject
State Teacher Standards: Standards required by educators for each state.
Student Awards: State and National award winners.
Teaching Tips/Classroom Situations: Tips for first year educators and various tips on situations that may arise when in the classroom.
Teacher of the Year: Educator of the year according to each state.
This day in History: Events on this date in U.S. education hsitory