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Keep Brevard Beautiful

Basic Information
Address: 1620 Adamson Rd., Cocoa FL 32926
Email: bvenutokbb@yahoo.com
Phone Number: 321-631-0501 x 203
Fax Number: 321-631-2840
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Focus: We would love to support any clean ups you would like to do. We have recycle bins if you are having a large event and would like to borrow these to recycle your trash. We have a FL Friendly, -Xeriscape Beautification Landscape Grant program (50/50 matching) for non-profit organizations to beautify a public area.
Director: Pat Brown, Executive Director
Schools Served: any Brevard County School
School District: Brevard County Schools, private and public
County: Brevard County
Schedule: We support recycling, clean ups, and beautification projects.
Ages: open
Keep Brevard Beautiful has been serving Brevard since 1981, and is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful.
Program Highlights:
We support recycling, clean ups, and beautification projects. If you need community service hours, please volunteer with us.
Litter pick up
Program Information:
We have large community events such as Trash Bash, and Coastal Cleanup. We can support your local events. You can volunteer anytime and any day at Shepard Park in Cocoa Beach. There are weekly cleanups in South Brevard on Sunday mornings.
We encourage you to Adopt a Shore or Road through our adoption program.
We will support you in any one time cleanup you would like to organize.
We have recycle bins if you have a large event you would like to provide recycling, you may take out on loan.
We have a School Environmental Awards Program
We offer a FL Friendly, Xeriscape Landscape Grant to any non-profit for a public area to be at least 50% FL Native in a program sponsored by the County. Grants are due Nov 6, 2009. (Fifteenth year)
We sponsor the Secret Garden Tour on the 4th Saturday in April