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Home | National Directories | After School Programs | Todd County School District After School Program |
Todd County School District After School Program
Basic Information
Address: Box 87
110 E. Denver Dr.
Mission, SD. 57555
Email: jnaatz@tcsdk12.org
Phone Number: 605-856-3502 ext. 2423
Fax Number: 605-856-4333
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Focus: Academics and enrichment
Director: Judith A Naatz
Schools Served: Todd County School District schools there are 11 of them.
School District: Todd County School District
County: Todd County
Schedule: Monday - Thursday 4:00-5:30
Ages: 5-18 years of age
Capacity: unlimited at upper level some schools have capacity for 80-100 students
Membership/Pricing: no cost
each school uses their building and classrooms for their programs. We have 9 elementary schools most are k-5 some are k-8 and we have 1 middle school grades 6-8 and 1 high school grades 9-12
we have been utilizing the after school program for the past 10 years and are on our second year of another 5 year grant
Program Highlights:
The Middle School has had productions of plays for the public and are working on another for this spring. We are also involved with First Lego League this year and hope to get into competition next year. Most of our programs also have a Lakota Drum Group where students learn about their culture and songs about their culture.
Academics to increase students AYP scores in reading, math, and science and enrichment clubs such as Chess, Computers, Lakota Beading and Art work, music and art, drama, as well as game club just to name a few.
Field Trip Destinations: South Dakota Heritage Center, South Dakota Discovery Center, Badlands National Park in South Dakota, and Niobrara National Park in Valentine, NE.