North Carolina Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Scholarship for Children of Slain or Permanently Disabled NC Law Enforcement Officers

Basic Information

Administrator: Jacquelyn Terrell
Scholarship Sponsor: North Carolina Bar Association Young Lawyers Division
Address: 8000 Weston Parkway, Cary, NC 27513 PO Box 3688, Cary, NC 27519
Phone Number: 1-800-662-7407

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Amount of Scholarship: varies
Number of Awards: varies
Available to Class Level: varies
Requirements: must be the child [natural or adopted] of a slain or permanently disabled NC Law Enforcement Officer. Must make first application before age 21.
Due Date: April 1
Purpose of Award: to provide scholarship money to attend accrediated school beyond high school
Duration: one year award then renew
Renewable: yes
Scholarship History: Have been making annual awards since 1985