Hope Montessori School

Basic Information

Address: 5125 Shadow Bend Place The Woodlands, Texas 77381
County: Montgomery
School District: Conroe ISD
Phone Number: 832-299-9212

Action Shots

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Additional Information

President: Nada Sakal-Novakovic
School Type: preschool private kindergarten
Founded: 2012
Ages/Grades: 18 months-6 years
School Setting:

preprimary classroom (18 month-3 years)
primary classrooms (3-6 years)

School Size: 70
Classroom Size: 14 preprimary, 24 primary
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1:6,7 preprimary, 1:10,12 primary

different for 5, 3, 2 days program


Preprimary, primary



After School Programs: Yes
Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:

no uniforms

Admissions Requirements:

tour to school, two try out days for child

Mission Statement:

We believe every child is born with gift to be used to help world become a better place. It takes a time to discover those gifts and talents and to bring them to their full potential. Our job is to help children grow independently and develop intellectually ,emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

By offering a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials, HOPE Montessori School gives every child the opportunity to build self-esteem while experiencing challenges and success.

Notes/School Information:

HOPE Montessori school is open all year around and enrolling children all year around.
There are 5, 3, and 2 days program.