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Home | National Directories | Organizations | Missouri Association of Teaching Christian Homes (MATCH) |
Missouri Association of Teaching Christian Homes (MATCH)

Basic Information
Address: 2203 Rhonda Dr
West Plains, MO 65775
Phone Number: 417-257-0030
Email: match@match-inc.org
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Executive Director: Michael & Orilla Crider
President: Michael E. Crider
Service Description: We serve the homeschool community state wide with helps and activities state wide.
Mission Statement:
Missouri Association of Teaching Christian Homes, MATCH, is a Christian organization dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4. We promote home education and believe that every family has the God-given mandate and responsibility to oversee the education of their children, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation. MATCH is not a church nor is this organization meant to replace the ministry of the local church to the home education family.
Membership Fee: $25/yr discounts for out of state and support group leaders
Area Served: Missouri state wide
Services Offered:
Members only website, discounts, monthly e-newsletter
Members only website, discounts, monthly e-newsletter
Onsite at the SHEM convention, Silver Dollar City Homeschool Weekend other homeschool events state wide - see website
Detailed Organization Information:
MATCH offers its members:
- 24 hr. Emergency Phone Line
- CAT achievement test for $20 (more info on the membership website)
- Support for home schooled graduates
- A chance to be recognized in The National Society of High School Scholars and a chance to receive scholarships from the Claes Nobel Academic Scholarships
- Receive a discount of 17% on HSLDA yearly membership fee
- FULL access to ONLINE Convention
- Fireside Helps (MATCH online newsletter)(If you don't have internet available at all please contact us)
- Members Only website
- Teacher ID upon request (for extra discounts)
- Receive specials through newsletters and membership websites for puppet patterns from Puppets for Ministry
- Receive $6.00 off ($18 regular) for Home School Digest. This is a wonderful magazine!! (must use special link and code)
- Receive Home School Enrichment for only $14.95/yr (worth it!)
- Receive $4 off Homeschooling Today Magazine subscription (must use special code)
- Receive 30 FREE helpful forms from Master Planner (must get them on the members website from the handbook area)
- FREE Annual School Calendar (updated with extra information on members site, in color)
- E-mail alert updates about pertinent legislative action and other important information
- FREE ONLINE Only Missouri Homeschool Handbook
- FREE online access for GED preparation
- Discounted membership for Support Leaders
- More...