Tourette Syndrome Association of Ohio

Tourette Syndrome Association of Ohio Logo

Basic Information

Address: P.O. Box 37203 Cincinnati, OH 45222
Phone Number: 1-800-543-2675

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Mission Statement:

The Tourette Syndrome Association of Ohio is a non-profit organization whose membership includes individuals with Tourette Syndrome, their families, friends, and interested professionals. The mission of our organization is to support the needs of families with Tourette Syndrome, to advocate for individuals with Tourette Syndrome and to educate the public and professionals on Tourette Syndrome.

Area Served: Ohio and Northern Kentucky

Annual Tourette Syndrome Camp in June at Camp Willson in Bellefontaine, OH

Support Groups: Please visit our website at for a list of support groups throughout Ohio.