Williams Preparatory

Basic Information

Address: 1750 Viceroy Dr. Dallas, TX 75235
County: USA
Phone Number: 214-276-0352
Fax Number: 214-637-6393
Principal: Mauricio Dominguez

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

School Type: k-12
Accreditation: Yes
District ID: 057842
School ID: 001
State District ID: 057842
State School ID: 001
Grade Level: K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Founded: 2007
School Setting:

12 acre campus

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8.5
School Colors: Blue & Yellow
School Mascot: Falcon
Cluster: STEM

Northwest Dallas

School Size: 720 students
Classroom Size: 18 to 20
Classroom Teachers: 63
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1 to 15
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Available to parents and students

Lunch Availability: Yes
Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:

All students must wear uniforms

Mission Statement:

"Williams Preparatory will empower students to achieve college matriculation, responsible citizenship and world readiness."

Enrollment Characteristics: Lottery System
School History:

Welcome to Williams Preparatory web site. Williams Prep is an Uplift Charter School which opened in July 2007. Now in its third year of operation, Williams Prep is focused on nurturing strong relationships between teachers, students and parents while maintaining the highest expectations. The school provides a curriculum with the highest academics that truly prepare students for college. To foster a professional learning environment, teachers and students are given time and tools to reflect and achieve academic and professional growth.