Ryman Auditorium

Ryman Auditorium Logo

Basic Information

Address: 116 5th Ave N, Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone Number: 615.458.8716
Fax Number: 615.458.8701

Action Shots

Ryman Auditorium
Ryman Auditorium
Ryman Auditorium

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Days and Hours: Open daily 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., CDT

We focus on the student curriculum based in history, music, theatre and performance. We offer a 10 to 30-minute discussion activity (depending on the age/grade level of the group), a hands-on activity, and the opportunity to sing on the historic stage.

Students are priced at $5.00 each, with one adult per 20 students given a complimentary ticket. Each additional adult also priced at $5.00 each

Grade Levels:
Exhibits: Grand Ole Opry exhibit memorabilia cases, Ryman Renaissance exhibit, Hatch Show Place poster display, and audio displays of Captain Thomas Ryman, Reverend Samuel Jones, and Lula Clay Naff.