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Cross-Cultural Solutions, Costa Rica

Basic Information
Phone Number: 1-800-380-4777
Fax Number: 1-914-632-8494
Director: Steve Rosenthal
Additional Information
Days of Service: 1-12 Weeks
Program Highlights:
Volunteering abroad is the chance for you to make a personal contribution at the global level, to experience hands-on learning about another country and culture, and to exchange ideas with people you might not otherwise meet. Making a difference can be as simple as spending time with orphans, sharing love and affection, sharing stories and photos with the elderly in a community, or practicing basic English with students of all ages.
Volunteering abroad is a life-changing experience. You are sharing your enthusiasm, time, skills, and energy -- and giving "yourself" in a way that allows you to effect positive change. You are learning about another country and culture, exchanging ideas with people you might not otherwise meet.
Additional Information:
Cross-Cultural Solutions is a recognized leader in the field of international volunteering with over 4,000 international volunteers each year. We have placements in the fields of social services, education, and health with over 250 sustainable community initiatives. Volunteers stay in a safe and comfortable Home-Base with in-country staff that is always from the area. This ensures that your volunteer project interests you and contributes directly to the goals of each community.
As a volunteer in Costa Rica , you will have the chance to immerse yourself in a unique and vibrant culture that provides an ideal environment for fostering cultural understanding and working with the local community. With the Pacific Ocean on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other, Costa Rica is known throughout the world for its stunning beaches and lush green rainforests.
Volunteers stay at the CCS Home-Base. Here, you'll have the chance to connect with CCS staff and fellow volunteers, enjoy healthy, authentic meals, reflect on your experiences, or just relax. We take care of all of your daily needs, including transportation to and from your volunteer placement. The CCS Office is even located in the Home-Base, giving you unlimited access to our staff and all they have to offer. By providing a CCS Home-Base with a full-time staff, we create a safe and warm environment for all of our volunteers without ever burdening the local community.
Cross-Cultural Solutions first began accepting volunteers in Costa Rica in the summer of 2002 in San Carlos , and in Winter 2004 expanded to Cartago, the nation's former capital and third largest city. With well over 2,000 inspired and enthusiastic Costa Rica volunteers spreading the word, CCS opened a new program site in the Spring of 2007 in Puriscal, a small town in the west coast of the country.
As a volunteer with CCS, you'll experience and enjoy a safe and structured program designed to help you truly immerse yourself in the local culture. You'll work side-by-side with local people at dynamic grassroots organizations that provide health, education, employment, and social assistance to the community, enjoy cultural and learning activities such as guest speakers and language lessons, and have ample free time to travel and explore the community on your own. You'll gain an understanding of the complex challenges that the community faces, and join them in effecting positive change.
My experience was an experience of a lifetime. Not many people I know had the opportunity to volunteer abroad at my age, and I consider myself lucky. I learned so many important things about parts of the rest of the world that would be impossible to learn in a classroom. Things that I used to take for granted I now treasure and am thankful for. My experience in Costa Rica gave me a whole new outlook on life.
Brianna, Volunteer in Costa Rica
"CCS was the most amazing experience I have ever had! I have never felt so good inside as I did in the short two weeks I worked in Costa Rica . I will forever cherish everything I learned while I was there, and I will never take for granted the little things in life ever again.
I would describe my experience as a two week long rush! Every morning I woke up, I was so excited for what I was going to accomplish in the next 24hrs. I loved every bit of my experience. Working with CCS gave me such a warm feeling inside. When I arrived in Costa Rica , I felt a little lost in my life, but when I left I had such a handle on what I wanted to do with myself. CCS was the best thing I have ever done."
Kathleen O'Donnell, Volunteer in Costa Rica
"I think that trips like this one really help to put life in perspective. My "problems" just didn't really seem like problems anymore. I really hope I never lose the sense of how blessed I am, and how important it is to go outside of your comfort zone and take trips like this one that teach you how to appreciate life.
I think it's organizations like CCS that really give a practical approach to really making a difference in this world. I would definitely participate in another CCS program and I would recommend Cross-Cultural Solutions to anyone considering volunteering abroad."
Christianne Bellion, Volunteer in Costa Rica