The MYC Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1115 Third Street San Rafael CA 94901
Phone Number: 415-459-6884
Fax Number: 415-459-6893
Director: Michael Cosby

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Youth, Community, Arts, Technology
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Youth ages 11 - 14
Ages for Volunteer: 16 +
Hours of Service: 2:30 - 4 p.m.
Minimum Hours Required: 1 -2 per week
Days of Service: Monday - Friday
Mission Statement:

Our mission is to provide an inspiring space created by youth and adults, supporting the development of young people’s talents, potential, and leadership skills through the arts, technology, and community service.

Program History:

The MYC officially opened its doors to youth ages 11-20 in early October 2006. The primary motivation and mission was collaboratively identified by a group of youth and adults in the community.

Additional Information:

The MYC Middle School program needs tutors for its Fall 2010 term.  Come help a child learn valuable reading, writing, and math skills in a fun environment.