Foster Grandparent Program

Foster Grandparent Program Logo

Basic Information

Address: 3390 Route 112
Phone Number: 631 321 8229, ext 1240 or ext 1241
Director: Jessica Acevedo, Program Manager

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Literacy, Socialization
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Day Care, Elementary Schools, Head Starts
Ages for Volunteer: 55+
Hours of Service: school day hours
Minimum Hours Required: 5
Days of Service: Monday through Friday
Mission Statement:

To mentor children by providing them with the necessary guidance, support and assistance to develop their academic and social/emotional needs through an encouraging and supportive relationship

To provide a meaningful activity for older individuals who wish to remain active and committed to helping children in their communities.

To provide healthy role models and a positive influence for children within the context of a one-to-one caring relationship with an older person.

To provide economic and social benefits to income-eligible seniors (aged 55+) through volunteer opportunities that assist at-risk children to maximize their potential and growth in the classroom.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

• Enable low-income persons aged 55 and over to remain physically and mentally active and to enhance their self-esteem through continued participation in needed community services.

• Enable children with either exceptional or special needs to achieve improved physical, mental, emotional, and social development, thereby helping them to reach social, behavioral, developmental and educational goals.

• Provide a stipend and other benefits that enable eligible persons to participate as Foster Grandparents without cost to themselves.

Program History:

The Foster Grandparent Program began on August 28, 1965, as a national demonstration effort to show how low-income persons aged 60 or over have the maturity and experience to establish a personal relationship with children having either exceptional or special needs.