Key Principles of Dogme

Dogme has ten key principles.

Interactivity: the most direct route to learning is to be found in the interactivity between teachers and students and amongst the students themselves.

Engagement: students are most engaged by content they have created themselves

Dialogic processes: learning is social and dialogic, where knowledge is co-constructed

Scaffolded conversations: learning takes place through conversations, where the learner and teacher co-construct the knowledge and skills

Emergence: language and grammar emerge from the learning process. This is seen as distinct from the ‘acquisition’ of language.

Affordances: the teacher’s role is to optimize language learning affordances through directing attention to emergent language.

Voice: the learner’s voice is given recognition along with the learner’s beliefs and knowledge.

Empowerment: students and teachers are empowered by freeing the classroom of published materials and textbooks.

Relevance: materials (eg texts, audios and videos) should have relevance for the learners

Critical use: teachers and students should use published materials and textbooks in a critical way that recognizes their cultural and ideological biases.