Regions in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe


The world of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe also features several other "regions." Along with King Friday's realm, there are also bordering territories, including:

    The city of Westwood - Located west of the Neighborhood half-a-day's walk from The Neighborhood of Make Believe. According to Mr. Aber, the region didn't have enough water supply for a swimming pool. The former Miss Sara Saturday was a resident of Westwood prior to her marriage to His Majesty Friday XIII and her concurrent enoblement as Queen Consort.

    The city of Southwood - South of the Neighborhood where Betty and James live.

    The area of Northwood - Northwood is considered goat country.
    Someplace Else - It's located east of the Neighborhood. It is where the schoolhouse (where Daniel, Ana Platypus, and Prince Tuesday attend school) is located.

    Land of Allmine - Mr. Allmine's home. It was later turned into a museum.

Characters also frequently interact with the inhabitants of Planet Purple, where everything and everyone are purple and exactly the same. Every girl on Planet Purple is named "Pauline," every boy, "Paul." Purple Panda, a resident of Planet Purple, can return there "the purple way" (just by thinking). Moreover, all of the planet's inhabitants speak in monotone English, often intoning, "WE ARE PEOPLE FROM THE PLANET PURPLE." Inhabitants of Planet Purple are forbidden to sit in rocking chairs, and if they do, they are not allowed to return home. In one visit to the Neighborhood, Purple Panda sits in one of Cornflake S. Pecially's rocking chairs. However, with the help of the rest of the Neighbors, it is agreed that sitting in rocking chairs is an acceptable activity for all people, and Purple Panda is allowed to return home. Planet Purple was discovered by Lady Elaine Fairchilde.

Layout of the Neighborhood of Make Believe (from west to east)
Here are the different locations in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe:
    Eiffel Tower - The only structure located to the west of the Castle; dark green and blue with red railing. There is also a red flashing light on top. Grandpere Tiger lives here. Its name and appearance is based on the real Eiffel Tower in Paris.

    King Friday's Castle - The "center point" of the Neighborhood. Blue colored structure with XIII in gold on its front. There is a service entrance to the right of the castle and a carpeted exterior staircase on the left. A decorative waterfall/fountain was installed in front of the left side of the castle in the 70s. King Friday donated the waterfall to the people of Westwood many years later.

    Trolley Tracks - There are two trolley routes in the Neighborhood. One is the usual route taken by the Neighborhood Trolley that runs in front of the castle. The trolley enters the Neighborhood from the West Tunnel (left of the castle) to the East Tunnel (next to the Castle's service entrance) and vice-versa when returning to Mister Rogers' house. The second route, occasionally taken in the 70s and 80s, ran past the other residences in the Neighborhood.

    Phone Cage - Located in front of the trolley tracks. It's a cage with can-and-string phone suspended in air. Whenever anyone needed to make a call (via Miss Paulifficate the Castle operator), he or she would stand under the cage, look up and signal for the cage to come down (called the "tele-can").

    Rocking Chair Factory - Located to the right of the East Trolley Tunnel and Castle service entrance. Pink colored structure with "Rockit" in scriptive lettering, blinking lights and revolving gear wheel. Cornflake S. Pecially works here.

    Magic Garden - It is located to the right of the Rocking Chair Factory behind the stone fence. It has a tree that contains tiny fruit, and when you bring it out of the garden, it becomes normal size.

    Great Oak Tree - Residence of Henrietta Pussycat (yellow schoolhouse-shaped structure with red double doors and yellow bell) and X The Owl (orange door with crossbeams shaped like an "X" on its inside).

    Museum-Go-Round - Revolving round, grey structure with multi-colored pillars and red bell in front. Lady Elaine Fairchild lives here. Like the castle, The Museum seems to have an endless number of rooms, frequently themed to letters (Dinosaurs are in the "D" room).

    Frog Pond - Stone pond resembling a fountain where Dr. and Mrs. Frogg and their son, Tadpole, lived before moving to Westwood. Was removed after the first week of color episodes and replaced by the Platypus Mound.

    Platypus Mound - Naturally created mound with six holes. The Platypus Family lives here.
    Clock - Orange structure with white flower pendulum, knocker, and yellow face without hands. Daniel Stripèd Tiger lives here.