Afterschool Programs: 4H Clubs, Academics Programs, Afterschool Programs, Arts Programs, At Risk Programs, Athletic Programs, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys & Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Community Service, Girl Scouts, Hebrew Religious Schools, Martial Arts Programs, Music Programs, Other Programs, Special Disability Programs, Sunday School, YMCA Programs, Youth Ministry & YWCA Programs.
[ Diabetes Camps ] [ Weight Loss Camps ] [ Fitness Camps ] [ Sports Camps ]
Healthy Food Companies: National Directory for companies who provide healthy choices for school lunches.
Dietitians & Nutritionists : Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists in the United States.
Green Schools
: Green Schools are helping to create a healthier environment and community as a whole.
Health Clubs & Gyms : Health Clubs & Gyms in the United States.
Healthy Food Choices: Food companies/catering services offering healthy alternatives. (Coming Fall of 2010).
Personal Trainers: Personal Trainers in the United States (Coming 8/2/10).
School Garden Programs : School Gardens in the United States.
Important Information:
Childhood Obesity: Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or wellbeing. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern.
Diabetes: is a condition in which the body either does not produce enough, or does not properly respond to, insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas. Insulin enables cells to absorb glucose in order to turn it into energy. This causes glucose to accumulate in the blood, leading to various potential complications
Healthy Food Choices
Weight Management Professionals:
Dietitians: Dietitians help promote good health through proper eating. They supervise the preparation and service of food, develop modified diets, participate in research, and educate individuals and groups on good nutritional habits.
Nutritionists: A nutritionist is a person who advises people on matters of nutrition
Personal Trainers: A personal trainer is a person who helps people exercise.