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St. Andrew’s International Primary School

Basic Information
Address: Joquim Chissano Road, Sunnyside, Blantyre, Malawi
Phone Number: +265 999 97 09 99
Email: admin@standrewsmalawi.com
Director/Owner: Mrs. Michelle Massey
Additional Information
Human Resources Executive Director: Ms. B. Misomali
Ages: 14mths – 11 years
Accreditation/Affiliation: COBIS Accreditation pending
Nationalities: Malawi, UK, SA, other sub-Saharan countries
Language(s): English
School Types: English
Financial Aid:
Enrollment: 220
Classroom Size: 220
Student/Teacher Ratio: EYFS 1: 6; KS1: 1:8; KS2: 1:10
British International
Exams: UK SATs (Year 6)
Support Services:
In EYFS/KS1: 1 Teaching Assistant per class; in KS2, 1 per year group (2 form entry)
Computer Capabilities:
large ICT suite; children visit minimum of once a week
Extracurricular Activities: 4 afternoons per week, for 2 hours after school. Variety of activities, including sport/swimming/art/media/craft-themed/languages/ cookery/drone/technical drawing/orienteering
Admissions Requirements:
Online enrollment form
Admissions Deadline: Online enrollment form
Mission Statement:
Vision Statement:
Working hand in hand with our community, embedding a culture of learning and inquiry to stimulate and sustain an ethos of global citizenship.
Mission Statement:
St. Andrew’s International Primary School educates and inspires children to value equality, emotional maturity, and independence of thought, work, and play. We nurture the whole person, including our students' physical and emotional well-being.
We value diversity, as learning and growth arise from open-minded engagement with other cultures and opinions. Our students aspire to be tolerant, caring and responsible citizens who uphold and model the school's core values.
We provide a challenging, internationally recognised British education where excellence in the English language is central. Intellectual curiosity, creativity and a passion for learning are shared by students and teachers as they strive for the highest possible achievement.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
The Core Values that St. Andrew’s champion and hold as fundamental are:
Respect - Integrity - Creativity - Collaboration - Empathy - Endeavour
School History:
Established in 1938: oldest international school
Visa Requirement:
Dependent on country of origin; entry visa $50.00; anyone working in Malawi requires a TEP (Temporary Employment Permit)
Travel/Living Accommodations: 2 x school buses that cover most of Blantyre area; the school offers Boarding from Year 2 – Year 6
Employment Opportunities: various: banks/hospitals/universities; school recruits teachers in Jan-April; must have a first degree plus an international recognized teaching qualification (e.g. PGCE/iPGCE)
Notes/School Information:
St. Andrew's runs a highly successful Special Educational Needs class, with a ratio of 1:1. Our staff have considerable experience dealing with children with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, speech and language difficulties, social and emotional needs and cognition and learning. We have both speech therapists and occupational therapists that work alongside class teachers to support.