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Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles | K12 Academics

Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles

Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles Logo

Basic Information

Address: 3261 Overland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034
County: Los Angeles
Phone Number: 3108363464
President: Mrs. Clara-Lisa Kabbaz

Action Shots

Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles
Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Founded: 1964
Ages/Grades: 3-18yrs/preschool- 12th grade
School Setting:

6 age appropriate campuses in West Los Angeles and Pacific Palisades

School Schedule: full day
School Days in Calendar: 168


School Size: 750 students
Classroom Size: 15
Student/Teacher Ratio: 5:1


Financial Aid:

Yes available


French and English curriculums

% of Graduating Class: 100%
Support Services:

College counseling

Camp Programs: Yes
Summer School: No
After School Programs: Yes
School Championships:


School Clubs:

Contemporary/Jazz Dance
Atelier Théâtre
Drama Club
Rock Band
Mural Painting
Model UN
Chinese Classes
Study Hall
Chess Club
Coding Club
Spanish Club
The CUB - MS newspaper
The ROAR - HS newspaper
Student Council
Stem Club
Global Outreach
Digital Art Club
Table Tennis
Swimming Lesson
Gay Straight Alliance

Notable Graduates:

Jodie Foster

Uniform Guidelines:

Uniform mandatory

Admissions Deadlines: Rolling Admissions
Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Students of Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles will develop the following important college prep skills:
Critical Thinking, Multilingual Communication, College Prep and Readiness, Independent and Self-Directed Learners, Cultural Sensitivity, Social Consciousness, and Lifelong Enrichment

School History:

Two career educators, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kabbaz, founded Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles as a dual language, international school in 1964.

Programs and Services:

College Board AP Capstone, French Classic Baccalaureate (BAC), French International Baccalaureate (BFI), US High School Diploma

Additional Information:

No Need to speak French to apply. We Teach the World.