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East Baton Rouge Parish Library

Basic Information
Established: 1939
Schedule: Main Library: Sun: 2pm - 10pm, Mon-Thurs 8am-10pm, Fri-Sat 8am-6pm
Address: Main Library
7711 Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806
(225) 231-3740
Sun: 2pm - 10pm
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 10pm
Fri - Sat: 8am - 6pm
Baker Branch Library
3501 Groom Rd., Baker, LA 70714
(225) 778-5940
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Bluebonnet Regional Branch Library
9200 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810
(225) 763-2240
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 9pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Carver Branch Library
720 Terrace St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225) 389-7440
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Central Branch Library
11260 Joor Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70818
(225) 262-2640
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Delmont Gardens Branch Library
3351 Lorraine St., Baton Rouge, LA 70805
(225) 354-7050
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Eden Park Branch Library
5131 Greenwell Springs Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806
(225) 231-3240
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Greenwell Springs Road
Regional Branch Library
11300 Greenwell Springs Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70814
(225) 274-4440
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 9pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Jones Creek Regional Branch Library
6222 Jones Creek Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70817
(225) 756-1140
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 9pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Pride-Chaneyville Branch Library
13600 Pride-Port Hudson Rd., Pride, LA 70770
(225) 658-1540
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
River Center Branch Library
120 St. Louis St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225) 389-4967
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 7pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Scotlandville Branch Library
7373 Scenic Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70807
(225) 354-7540
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Zachary Branch Library
1900 Church St., Zachary, LA 70791
(225) 658-1840
Sun: 2pm - 6pm
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 9pm
Fri - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Recycled Reads
Library Book Sale Facility
234 Little John Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70815
(225) 231-3710
Last Saturday of the Month 9am-2pm
Phone Number: 225-231-3750
Fax Number: n/a
Email: eref@ebrpl.com
Director: n/a
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Computer Capabilities:
448 Public Computers, 129 Training Laptops
Membership Details:
Library Information:
The East Baton Rouge Parish Library System is comprised of a Main Library and 12 community or regional Branch Libraries, and bookmobiles. With a staff of more that 390 employees, the Library is open a cumulative total of 892 hours weekly in these 13 outlets. Additional outreach service is provided on a regular basis to area schools, community centers, retirement centers and the Juvenile Detention Center.
The Library’s collection numbers almost 2 million items. In 2010, our 410,109 registered borrowers made 2,190,194 visits to local libraries, checked out 2,392,827 items, received assistance with 879,514 reference inquiries and attended 4545 programs.
The East Baton Rouge Parish Library is a governmental entity of the consolidated government of the City of Baton Rouge and the Parish of East Baton Rouge. The library system, which has been in existence since 1939, operates under the control of the City/Parish government and the direction of the Library Board of Control, a eight-person board appointed by the Metropolitan Council. The Library Board of Control appoints a Director, currently vacant, who oversees the operations of the library system. The Assistant Director of Administrative Services and Assistant Director of Branch Services work with the Library Business Manager, six Division Heads and twelve Branch Managers to plan and implement programs and services to all library populations, select, process and administer all resources, and maintain and operate all library facilities. Since successful passage of its first dedicated property tax in 1986, the Library has completed two stages of a comprehensive building program and dramatically increased services and resources for residents throughout the parish. All branches are open seven days per week to provide reference and information, print and non-print resources, free programs and workshops, and computer access to the public.