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Sylmar High School
Basic Information
Address: 13050 Borden Avenue
Sylmar, CA 91342
County: Los Angeles
School District: Los Angeles Unified School District
Phone Number: (818) 833-3776
Email: dsteiner@lausd.net
Principal: Jan E. Lyons
Additional Information
School Type: Math Science Technology Magnet
Accreditation: WASC
State District ID: 1964733
State School ID: 1938554 (Main School at Sylmar High. The magnet is not ranked sparately)
Founded: September, 1994
Ages/Grades: Grades 9-12
School Setting:
The Magnet School is part of a comprehensive high school. Sylmar is a located at the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. It is a suburb of the city of Los Angeles. 82% of Magnet Students qualify for the Federal Lunch Program. 88% of Magnet Students speak a language other than English at home.
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:00 - 3:06 p.m.
School Days in Calendar Year: 182
School Colors: Navy Blue, Columbia Blue and White
School Mascot: Spartans
School Holidays: All Federal Holidays, 2 days at Thanksgiving, 3 weeks at Winter Break and 1 week at Sprning Break
School Size: 396 students in the magnet. 3242 students in the main school.
Classroom Size: Average 30 students per class
Student/Teacher Ratio: 24:1
Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Computer Science, World Languages, Health
Honors/College Prep - All academic classes are at the Honors or Advanced Placement Level. 13 different Advanced Placement Courses are offered.
4 Years English
4 Years Math
4 Years Science
3 Years Social Studies
3 Years World Languages
2 Years Physical Education
1 Year Fine Art
1 Year Career Technical Education (Practical Arts)
1 Semester Health
1 Semester Life Skills (SAT Prep.)
School Performance: The 2009-10 Magnet School API is 768.
99% college attendance rate
79% Accepted to a 4-year University
Percentage of Graduating Class: 99%
Support Services:
Full time counselor
School Psychologist
SAT Preparation
After School Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:
All classrooms have internet access. All classrooms have several computers. The magnet has a computer lab with 32 computer stations. The library has 40 computers.
School Championships:
Numerous league and city titles in a variety of sports.
School Clubs:
Key Club
Academic Decathlon
Anime Club
California Scholarship Federation
Classics Club
Craft Club
Fashion Club
Future Teachers of America
Gay-Straight Alliance
Interact (Rotary)
Japanese Club
Key Club (Kiwanis)
Link Crew
Overseas Travel Club
Pears and Leaders
Project SOL
Science Club
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Admissions Requirements:
Applications can be found at any Los Angeles Unified School District office or school. The application deadline for the 2010-2011 school year was Decemebr 18, 2009. See the Los Angeles Unified School District eChoices website at http://echoices.lausd.net for more detailed information.
Admissions Deadline: December 18
Mission Statement:
The Sylmar High School Magnet is committed to providing a rigorous academic program that successfully prepares our students for selective universities. This is done in a close-knit, family environment that provides support for academic success and social responsibility. Math, Science and Technology will be integrated across the content areas.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
The Sylmar High School Math Science Technology Magnet staff, students and parents believe that:
• all students have a right to receive a quality education.
• a quality education can only occur when there is support, commitment, and cooperative interaction among stakeholders.
• school must be a safe and pleasant place where values of trust, fairness, and mutual respect are part of the school.
• our students can master the California State Standards at the advanced or proficient level.
• students will employ systematic methods in written and oral communication, and in critical thinking and decision making strategies.
• students who complete the magnet curriculum will be competitive at ANY college or university.
School History:
The main campus of Sylmar High opened in 1961. The Math Science Technology Magnet opened in September 1994.
Notes/School Information:
The Sylmar High School Math Science Technology Magnet is on the campus of Sylmar High School. Our educational philosophy is to prepare our students for future success and to master the skills in all academic subjects at the advanced or proficient level. Our educational program is built around the California Content Standards and systematically prepares our graduates personally and academically for a successful transition to undergraduate work at the university level. Sylmar High Math Science Magnet graduates understand that they need to apply their talents in service to others.
The Sylmar High Magnet is a community of learners which includes students, parents, community and all school staff. Students complete interactive projects with a focus on science, math and technology. Other subject areas within the magnet support this focus while serving as expert content guides. Whenever possible, the teachers work together to create interdisciplinary projects that require higher level thinking, synthesis, and application of knowledge within the larger community. The Sylmar High Magnet continues to work with local scientists to provide our students with exposure to career possibilities in the science professions through guest speakers and field trips. Students actively engage in real-life tasks designed to integrate school and community in order to facilitate academic proficiency, life-long learning, and university success.
Sylmar's Math Science Technology Magnet provides students with a strong core curriculum in the ninth and tenth grades. A more specialized, higher level curriculum is incorporated in the eleventh and twelfth grades and focuses on math and science. This allows for increasing specialization and application of knowledge guiding students to post secondary education opportunities and the world of work.
The Sylmar High Magnet employs Toulmin Method of Argument writing strategy for all written work in all disciplines. The goal of this program is to ensure that our students graduate with college level writing skills. Students are introduced to the foundations of the Toulmin Method in the ninth grade and refine their techniques as they progress through our program. In addition to providing comprehensive writing strategies, the Toulmin Method also helps our students to develop their critical thinking and decision making skills.
Core courses are thematically integrated, cross-curricular, and interdisciplinary whenever possible. The curriculum is driven by solving real problems through inquiry. Students work together and individually in gathering data to support their hypotheses and to formulate conclusions. Students effectively communicate their ideas to a real audience and participate in the evaluation of their own work as well as that of others.
All courses are rigorous in content and meet university entrance requirements. Technology will be an integrating medium in all classes through which students may realize and express mastery. We offer honors and AP classes in every subject area as well a stimulating variety of electives designed to enrich the core curriculum.
Our students have been successful at numerous presteigeous universities such as: Caltech, MIT, Stanford, Brown, Cornell, UCLA, Berkeley, Yale, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, Notre Dame, Amherst, Claremont Mc Kenna, Howard, USC and many others.
School Motto: Service Integrity Wisdom