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HomeSchool Association of California (HSC)
Basic Information
Address: P.O. Box 77873, Corona, CA 92877
Phone Number: 1-888-HSC-4440
Email: webmaster@hsc.org
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
President: Katheryn Culwell
Service Description: HSC is committed to helping families homeschool their children.
Mission Statement:
The HSC Mission
The HomeSchool Association of California:
Honors the diversity of homeschoolers
Supports the entire spectrum of homeschooling
Provides information
Monitors and influences legislation
Offers opportunities for families to get together
Empowers families to make the choices that respect the rights, needs, and aspirations of their children
HSC welcomes anyone with an interest in homeschooling.
Membership Fee: $30
Eligibility Requirements: NONE
Area Served: California
Hours of Operation/Schedule: N/A
Services Offered:
Annual Homeschool Conference - Sacramento; Camping; Meetings
Conferences/Speakers: http://www.hscconference.com/
2011: Bev Bos - Early Childhood Educator; Jim Weiss - Storyteller; Wes Beach - highschool / college
Previous Years: Sandra Dodd, Pam Sorooshian, Gordon Neufeld, Alfie Kohn, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Linda Dobson, Jon Young, Peggy O'Mara, Jan Hunt, Grace Llewellyn, Mary Griffin, John Taylor Gatto, Patrick Ferenga, David & Micky Colfax, Wendy Priesnitz, Valerie Fitzenreiter, Allison McKee, David Albert, Frank Smith, Helen Hegener, Cafi, Cohen
Fundraisers: Donate: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=Oikg2akwr8Zd-KscuHncjr06jgUfUYseQ1iebCkXgVCdDzThGluPf0tQ2wW&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d5863a909c4bb5aee2fcbfe698ea9bfbc
The HomeSchool Association of California has been around since 1987 when a small group of Bay Area homeschooling moms got together to start what was then called the Northern California Homeschool Association. Since then we've grown to a statewide organization. Those original families have moved on to new life stages, and passed their vision on to new members, that vision being an inclusive homeschooling organization dedicated to the support of homeschooling families in all their many flavors. We hold to the belief that homeschooling families are the ones best able to make their own educational choices. We are a non-profit volunteer organization.
Detailed Organization Information:
The HomeSchool Association of California
- is a nonprofit volunteer-run homeschool organization;
- provides advocacy, legislative watch, and family events;
- is fully inclusive and celebrates diversity.
Learn more about HSC by clicking here.
California HomeSchooler
Our bimonthly newsletter, carries news and information about HSC, about local and regional support groups, homeschooling resources, and more, and it will keep you up to date on the legal and legislative climate for homeschooling in California. -
HSC Legislative Team
The HSC Legislative Team monitors legislation and other state activities which might affect homeschooling in California. HSC's legislative advocate in Sacramento keeps legislators and bureaucrats informed of HSC's positions and interests, and keeps HSC members up to date on any potential changes. -
HSC Legal Team
The HSC Legal Team supports families by answering their questions on how to homeschool legally. -
HSC Website
The HSC Website contains information about HSC, including its history and current board of directors, as well as an online version of California HomeSchooler. You'll also find "The Legality of Private-School Homeschooling in California (May 2000)," appellate attorney Stephen Greenberg's overview of California laws affecting homeschoolers, a current list of HSC County Contacts, and information on resources, both online and off. -
HSC County Contacts
HSC County Contacts can be reached in most California counties. These are HSC members (experienced homeschoolers) who volunteer to answer questions from homeschoolers or prospective homeschoolers in their area. They can give you advice and information about local support groups and activities as well as general moral support. -
HSC Annual Conferences
The HSC Annual Conferences, provide a place for the entire homeschooling family to gather together to hear interesting and provocative speakers, learn some crafts or skills, see resource displays, and most of all, meet, share ideas and experience just plain fun. Click here for more information. -
HSC Campouts
Our campouts offer low-key, fun opportunities to spend time with other homeschooling families from around the state, usually at group campsites in state parks.