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LDA Minnesota

Basic Information
Address: 5354 Parkdale Drive, Suite 200 St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Phone Number: 952.922.8374
Fax Number: 952.922.8102
Email: info@ldaminnesota.org
Additional Information
Executive Director: Kitty Christiansen
Service Description: ADHD/ LD Diagnostic assessments, consultations, transition coaching, school-to-work transition, ADHD workshops/support groups, free phone consult
Mission Statement:
The mission of LDA Minnesota is to help children, youth, and adults with learning difficulties learn successfully, dream of possibilities, and achieve their goals
Area Served: Greater Metro area and extended Statewide
Hours of Operation/Schedule: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm
Services Offered:
ADHD/LD services for individuals of all ages
ADHD/LD services for individuals of all ages
Golf Event
Conferences/Speakers: UMBIDA MARP Education Minnesota
Support Groups: ADHD Adult and Parent Support Group
Since 1967, LDA has helped people of all ages with learning disabilities and other learning difficulties, including Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The cornerstone of our long success has been our dedication to using research-based, best practices matched with caring, personalized services
Detailed Organization Information:
LDA's Goals:
Focus on five outcome areas:
- Provide academic success for at-risk learners.
- Train educators to improve teaching and learning.
- Empower youth to become self-sufficient adults through transition services.
- Strengthen families and communities to support individuals with learning disabilities and attention deficits.
- Help individuals understand how they learn and strategies to improve their learning.
Programs and Services
LDA provides the following programs to achieve these outcomes:
- Learning Connections Intensive Reading Instruction for Grades K-4.
- 61607; Parents-as-Partners (parent education and support).
- Early Literacy for pre-school ages.
- Transition Services and coaching for young adults with LD and/or ADHD ages 14-21.
- Free ADHD Phone Information Line.
- Attention Deficits Workshops and Support Groups.
- Assessment and Consultation Services.
- Educational Capacity Building and Public Education.