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Learning Disabilities Association of New Jersey

Basic Information
Address: PO Box 492, Towaco, NJ 07082
Phone Number: 973-265-4303
Email: ldanj@optonline.net
Additional Information
President: Theresa Cavanaugh, LDT-C
Service Description: Information, resources, referrals, advocacy advice
Mission Statement:
The LDA of New Jersey is an affiliate of the Learning Disabilities Association. The LDA is a non-profit organization of volunteers, including individuals with learning disabilities, their families and professionals. LDA is dedicated to identifying causes and promoting prevention of learning disabilities and to enhancing the quality of life for all individuals with learning disabilities and their families by encouraging effective identification and intervention, fostering research, and protecting their rights under the law.
Membership Fee: $30.00
Eligibility Requirements: Anyone interested in the welfare of the learning disabled and their families
Area Served: New Jersey (There are LDA affiliates in all 50 states, US Territories, England, Germany & China)
Hours of Operation/Schedule: Online and Phone 9-am-7pm
Services Offered:
Advice on IEP's, placements, resources, referrals, advocacy advice & guidance
Advice on IEP's, placements, resources, referrals, advocacy advice & guidance
Fundraisers: Membership dues, United Way & free will donations
Support Groups: Allied with
1. Association for Special Children and Families: Support groups for parents of children with LD & ADHD, plus many activities-call Angela Abdul: 973-728-8744 for info.
2. Apraxia Network of Bergen County: call Jeanne Buesser, 201-271-4035
LDA of America was started by a small group of parents in the 60's, in order to obtain proper services for the most under-served population: The Learning Disabled. The organization strives to influence legislation to protect the rights of the Learning Disable, and also to inform the public as to the nature of the disability. It is generally defined as a dysfunction in or more more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding spoken or written language. These may be manifested in disorders of listening, thinking, talking, reading, writing, spelling or mathematics. These are people of average to superior intelligence, whose achievement is significantly discrepant from perceived cognitive ability (intelligence).
Slogan: Attitudes are the real disabilities!!!