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NAMI PA, Main Line
Basic Information
Address: 320 Woodley Rd.
Merion Station PA 19066-1413
Phone Number: 267.251.6240
Email: mainline@nami.org
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
President: Ingrid Waldron, Ph.D.
Service Description: Information, support and advocacy for people with mental illnesses and their families
Mission Statement:
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a grassroots, family and consumer, self-help, support, education and advocacy organization, dedicated to improving the lives of people with severe mental illness and their families. NAMI PA, Main Line is one of more than 1,100 local NAMI affiliates across America.
Membership Fee: $35/year for individual/family; $3-34/year for people with limited income
Eligibility Requirements: Open to all interested people
Area Served: Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties in Main Line Philadelphia
Services Offered:
NAMI PA, Main Line offers 1. support and information including the Family-to-Family and Visions for Tomorrow education programs, support groups for people with mental illness and for family members, social events, forum discussions, and resource information. 2. outreach programs to schools including Breaking the Silence anti-stigma curriculum and In Our Own Voice where people with mental illness speak about their experiences and recovery and other educational presentations for students, parents, and/or faculty. 3. advocacy for improved services for people with mental illnesses, better public policy, and research to develop more effective treatments
NAMI PA, Main Line offers 1. support and information including the Family-to-Family and Visions for Tomorrow education programs, support groups for people with mental illness and for family members, social events, forum discussions, and resource information. 2. outreach programs to schools including Breaking the Silence anti-stigma curriculum and In Our Own Voice where people with mental illness speak about their experiences and recovery and other educational presentations for students, parents, and/or faculty. 3. advocacy for improved services for people with mental illnesses, better public policy, and research to develop more effective treatments
Periodic discussion forums/speaker meetings
Summer picnic
Winter party
Support group for adults with mental illness
Support group for family members
Fundraisers: Annual NAMIWalk
Support Groups: Friendship Group for adults with mental illness
Bryn Mawr Family Support Group for family members