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NAMI Racine

Basic Information
Address: 2300 DeKoven Ave
Racine WI 53403
Phone Number: 262-637-0582
Fax Number: 262-637-0376
Email: namiracine@tds.net
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Executive Director: Debby Ganaway
President: Cheryl Zimmerman
Service Description: Support, education & advocacy on behalf of persons with mental illness
Mission Statement:
NAMI Racine is a nonprofit organization working to improve the quality of life through support, education, and advocacy for all whose lives are affected by mental illness.
Membership Fee: $30 individual, $45 family, $10 Ltd income (subject to change w/o notice)
Eligibility Requirements: n-a
Area Served: Racine County
Hours of Operation/Schedule: varies, but usually 9-4 weekdays
Services Offered:
support, education, advocacy
support, education, advocacy
Events are posted on our website at namiracine.org
Conferences/Speakers: A Community Outreach speaker is available (at NO Cost), to come speak to your students, group or organization. Please contact Mary at 262-637-0582
Fundraisers: In Spring: Iris Day; 2nd Sunday in September: Bike 'n Hike. Details can be found on our website at namiracine.org
Support Groups: We currently have 8 support groups: TEEN TALK (for high school aged teens living with mental illness); Bipolar/Depression (for adults who experience either); NAMI Connection (for adults living with ANY mental health diagnosis); Family & Friends (for adult family members of adult consumers); Visions for Tomorrow (for parents/caregivers of children with mental illness); Schizophrenia (for adults); Survivors of Suicide (for adults who have lost someone to suicide); West County Grp (for adults in Western Racine County with any mental health diagnosis)
Since 1979 NAMI Racine's families have helped other families with Education (public & family), Advocacy (grp & individual), and Support (eight support groups to choose from).
Detailed Organization Information:
Visit our website at www.namiracine.org or call for a brochure 262-637-0582