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Basic Information
Address: 12550 Aurora Ave N.
Seattle, WA 98133
Phone Number: 206-363-7303
Fax Number: 206-361-5628
Email: kellyr@provail.org
Additional Information
Executive Director: Michael Hatzenbeler, President and CEO
Service Description: Multi-service disability organization - Community Living, Supported Employment, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology, Dental Services
Mission Statement:
Supporting people with disabilities to fulfill their life choices
Membership Fee: None
Eligibility Requirements: Case by case depending on service
Area Served: Western Washington
Hours of Operation/Schedule: 9am - 5pm
Services Offered:
Community Living, Supported Employment, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology, Dental Services
Community Living, Supported Employment, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology, Dental Services
Wyckoff Luncheon - October
PROVAIL Golf Classic - May
Monthly Tours and Informational Meetings
Fundraisers: Wyckoff Luncheon - October
PROVAIL Golf Classic - May
PROVAIL is a non-profit organization with 66 years of experience serving children and adults with disabilities. As one of the state’s largest private, multi-service agencies dedicated to meeting the needs of people with all types of disabilities, PROVAIL offers a comprehensive range of services designed to expand opportunities for people with disabilities to live, work, and fully participate in the community of their choice. Our services help people with disabilities live better lives.
Detailed Organization Information:
PROVAIL is a non-profit organization with 66 years of experience serving children and adults with disabilities. As one of the state’s largest private, multi-service agencies dedicated to meeting the needs of people with all types of disabilities, PROVAIL offers a comprehensive range of services designed to expand opportunities for people with disabilities to live, work, and fully participate in the community of their choice. Our services help people with disabilities live better lives.
Our Mission:
Supporting People with Disabilities to Fulfill Their Life Choices.
Our Vision:
· We see a world where all people live life based on their own choices.
- We see a community that maximizes accessibility and inclusion.
- We see PROVAIL as a community leader, working with others, to champion creative initiatives that improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.
Our Four Pillars:
Dignity, Choice, Opportunity, and Independence
Our Values:
- Honors self-directed life choices
- Values growth, discovery, & new experiences
- Encourages independence, integration, & inclusion in & by the community
- Upholds the value of health and safety throughout the agency
- Supports respect & dignity of the individual
- Celebrates creativity, innovation, & forward thinking
- Recognizes that our sustainability is essential to our future
Services Provided
The Community Living Program provides 24-hour supported living services and affordable housing to adults with severe disabilities.
Our Employment Services program helps young adults and adults with all types of disabilities secure and maintain competitive employment in the community.
Therapeutic and Assistive Technology Services help people with disabilities to conduct their activities of daily living. We offer occupational, physical, speech and assistive technology therapies to maximize individual abilities and independence.
The Johnny Johnson Memorial Dental Clinic is unique as it offers specialized dental care services for people with severe disabilities. The dental clinic provides training for dental and dental hygiene students at local colleges and universities.
Tax ID Number
12550 Aurora Ave. North Seattle, WA 98133
300 full-time employees
Clients Served Per Year
900 clients with disabilities
$10.5 million (FY 08)
88% of revenue is spent on program services
United Way Partner Agency Number
For more information, call 206.363.7303, visit our web site www.provail.org, or check out our YouTube page www.youtube.com/provail
Slogan: Life Opportunities for People with Disabilities