Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona Logo

Basic Information

Address: 745 N. Gilbert Rd. #124 PMB 273 Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone Number: 480-926-6500
Fax Number: 480-926-6145

Action Shots

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona
Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona

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Additional Information

Executive Director: Gina Johnson
President: Gina Johnson
Service Description: Educate, empower and give hope to families who have a child or adult living with them that has Down syndrome.
Mission Statement:

The mission of Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona is to educate and empower but especially give hope for families who love a child with Down syndrome. We promote positive acceptance and understanding and inclusion is embraced by all as we celebrate each life.

Membership Fee: None. Non-Profit Organization that accepts donations
Eligibility Requirements: Know someone or have a family member who has Down syndrome.
Area Served: Phoenix Metropolitan Area
Hours of Operation/Schedule: 9 am to 1 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Services Offered:
Many different programs, please check our website at for further information.

Easter Party in April, Annual Buddy Walk in October, Holiday/Christmas Party in December and many others such as parent support groups and meeting that can be seen on our website at

Conferences/Speakers: Varies throughout the year
Fundraisers: Annual Buddy Walk
Support Groups: Yes, parent support group and children's play groups offered. Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona has many wonderful books available for you to borrow. We also have DVD’s of many of our parent meetings so if you want to find our more just give our office a call or email Teresa at Sharing Down Syndrome Public Forum for Parents Share your experiences or submit a question and have them answered by our staff >> Sharing Down Syndrome AZ Forum Not registered on our public forum? You need to register your email address in order to submit messages >> Forum Free Registration

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona is a 501(c)(3) parent support non-profit organization founded in 1991 by Gina Johnson, proud Mom of seven grat children, including her son David (25) who has Down syndrome. Our mission is to integrate all people who have Down syndrome into the fabric of our community by promoting positive acceptance and and inclusion to improve their quality of life.

Sharing does not receive federal funding and runs soley on the generous donations of families and businesses that recognize the good work that Sharing's Parent Support Programs provide.

Detailed Organization Information:

The vision of Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona is to provide a world with equal rights and opportunities for all people who have Down syndrome.

Our Vision will be accomplished by:

* Providing NEW PARENT WELCOME FOLDERS to all 47 Arizona birthing hospitals.
* Personally delivered NEW PARENT GIFT PACKAGES filled with books, DVD’s, CD’s about Down syndrome.
* PLAY GROUPS for children with DS and their siblings.
* Monthly PARENT SUPPORT MEETINGS (Valley-Wide) in (English and Spanish) that address educational, legislative and medical issues regarding individuals who have Down syndrome.
* Quarterly uplifting NEWSLETTERS for families and professionals.
* “PROUD PARENT EMAIL LIST” to network families and professionals.
* ASSISTANCE, KNOWLEDGE and RESOURCES for developing effective IEP’s (Individual Educational Plan) and DDD eligibility (Division of Developmental Disabilities)
* PARTNERING with many social services agencies.
* GREAT SOCIAL EVENTS including our annual BUDDY WALK (1 mile stroller friendly walk), EASTER EGG HUNT, HOLIDAY PARTY, ABBY’S ANGEL MOTORCYCLE RIDE and more. (See photos at
* SHARING GOOD GRIEF (Bereavement Support)

Slogan: Sharing.... it's all about love!