Shamwari Conservation Experience

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Basic Information

Address: PO Box 91 Paterson 6130
Phone Number: T +27 (0) 42 203 1228

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Shamwari Conservation Experience
Shamwari Conservation Experience
Shamwari Conservation Experience
Shamwari Conservation Experience

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Additional Information


Eastern Cape, South Africa


Eastern Cape, South Africa

Tour Packages:

Help conserve a vanishing way of life by partaking in the best volunteer programme in South Africa: the Shamwari Conservation Experience

The Shamwari Conservation Experience (SCE) welcomes participants from all walks of life with a passion for nature conservation! The SCE is a once in a lifetime chance to get behind-the-scenes work experience and involved with the conservation efforts of the world-renowned Shamwari Private Game Reserve for volunteers, gap-year students, adult sabbatical and adventure seeking travellers.

This is a call to action for your support and assistance, without which our achievements past, present and for the future, would simply not be sustainable or viable. Shamwari is the pioneer and leader in demonstrating how the conservation of wildlife, fauna and flora can be achieved through Eco Tourism.

Our passionate and dedicated team looks forward to hosting you and showcasing all that Shamwari Private Game Reserve and its abundant natural resources have to offer.

We offer two volunteer programmes:
Shamwari Conservation Experience
Shamwari Veterinary and Conservation Experience

Tour Information:

Long Term Project and Possible Activities:
Listed are a few of the general activities and tasks which may be undertaken during the minimum of two week experience.

Game Monitoring: Rhino, Elephants, Predators With regular monitoring, it is possible to identify individuals, compile information about the family structure and determine feeding and spatial ecology. Data collected is used to assist in the managing decisions for the reserve.

Camera Trapping and Telemetry Tracking The setting and use of camera traps to monitor wildlife activity is a vital tool in gaining visual footage required to manage the reserve. Monitoring of some of the more high-profile wildlife, like cheetah and leopard, are required using telemetry tracking equipment. This is largely as result of the neighbouring properties carrying livestock and also the elusive nature of some of the species.

Restoration & Rehabilitation of Reserve Landscapes The need to return the once pristine landscape to its original splendour includes the collecting and removal of old fence lines and erosion control.

Alien Plant Control Exotic and alien plants were introduced to the land by the farmers for different reasons and uses. Today this exotic vegetation needs to be removed to be able to increase the natural biodiversity and decrease the likes of fire risk and better preserve our fast-diminishing natural water sources.

Community Engagement We raise funds for and are involved in a number of development projects in our local communities from a day care centre to a soccer team. These engagements are always enriching and rewarding. We do encourage participants to bring along donations in the form of sports equipment, clothing and stationery. A full list of requirements can be found on the booking confirmation.

Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre (WRC) Shamwari Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre was set up to aid in rehabilitating injured animals found on the reserve and surrounding community. The aim is to give the animal short-term care and release it back into their natural environment. No animals are kept for purposes of breeding in captivity but are hosted with the aim of giving them a second chance to take on life back in the wild.

Vulpro@Shamwari Vulpro is the only vulture conservation organisation of its kind on the continent and is spearheading population restocking and supplementation to address the severe decline of African vulture species. Vulpro@Shamwari offers a safe, well-balanced ecosystem for both in-situ and ex-situ conservation programmes and provides financial support and sustainability. Importantly it limits risk because the largest captive breeding population of vultures isn't concentrated in one location.

Born Free Big Cat Sanctuary The Born Free Foundation and Shamwari Private Game Reserve are both committed to the conservation of wildlife. Creating awareness and educating our guest and local population as to the importance of the protection and conservation of wildlife. We aim to promote the protection of habitat while maintaining a humane and compassionate approach to the care and welfare of any captive animals. This centre offers a great opportunity to showcase and create awareness about the horrific way in which wildlife is exploited in captivity around the world. No breeding of cats is undertaken at the centre which is a sanctuary for Lions and Leopards who are unable to be reintroduced back into the wild.

Community Projects The role of conservation does not stop at conserving nature alone, but also includes a responsibility to uplift local and impoverished communities. This responsibility includes education of the community as to the role and benefit of conserving biodiversity and further stresses the importance of conserving our natural resources. Weekly trips are made into the local community to assist in various community projects that range from creating and maintaining vegetable gardens, recycling projects, painting classrooms and building jungle gyms.

Research Projects (short-term focus) Undertakings of research projects with a focus on a value-added outcome for the reserve, or conservation as a whole, are viewed as an incumbency. These projects are often undertaken in conjunction with both local and foreign research studies to capturing data on lesser-known species such as the Brown Hyena.

Other Possible Activities may include: • Sleep outs on the Big Five reserve • Guided nature walks • Night monitoring (bi-weekly) Talks and Presentations: In the Classroom In the Field South Africa's Lion Industry Medicinal Plants and Trees Rhino Poaching in South Africa Wildlife Tracks and Signs Ecological Management of Game Reserves Basic Wildlife Conservation Ecology and Management Principles Elephant Conservation Astronomy Animal Behavior

Company Information:

The Shamwari Conservation Experience (SCE) is a once in a lifetime chance to get behind-the scenes work experience and involved with the conservation efforts of the world-renowned Shamwari Private Game Reserve for volunteers, gap-year students, adult sabbatical and adventure seeking travellers.

This is a call to action for your support and assistance, without which our achievements past, present and for the future, would simply not be sustainable or viable. Shamwari is the pioneer and leader in demonstrating how the conservation of wildlife, fauna and flora can be achieved through Eco Tourism.

Shamwari Private Game Reserve, best known as a luxury safari destination, is a fully operational 25 000 hectare free roaming Big Five game reserve. As a SCE participant you will be exposed to various short- and long-term conservation projects and assisting the award-winning Shamwari Wildlife and Conservation Department.

The experience is thus a true reflection of the day-to-day operational requirements needed to manage the game reserve and its vast resources. It also includes environmental education, social upliftment projects and the opportunity to partake in sporting interactions with largely impoverished local communities, which are an important part of our social responsibility drive to improve the lives of those living in and around the reserve.

Our passionate and dedicated team looks forward to hosting you and showcasing all that Shamwari Private Game Reserve and its abundant natural resources have to offer.

Company History:

Help conserve a vanishing way of life by partaking in the best volunteer programme in South Africa: the Shamwari Conservation Experience

The Shamwari Conservation Experience (SCE) welcomes participants from all walks of life with a passion for nature conservation! The SCE is a once in a lifetime chance to get behind-the-scenes work experience and involved with the conservation efforts of the world-renowned Shamwari Private Game Reserve for volunteers, gap-year students, adult sabbatical and adventure seeking travellers.

This is a call to action for your support and assistance, without which our achievements past, present and for the future, would simply not be sustainable or viable. Shamwari is the pioneer and leader in demonstrating how the conservation of wildlife, fauna and flora can be achieved through Eco Tourism.

Our passionate and dedicated team looks forward to hosting you and showcasing all that Shamwari Private Game Reserve and its abundant natural resources have to offer.