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RSA Protective Technologies LLC

Basic Information
Address: 223 Independence Dr.
Claremont, California 91711
Phone Number: 9099082585
Email: radler@rsaprotect.com
Person of Contact: Rick Adler
Additional Information
RSA Protective Technologies (www.rsaprotect.com) is a world leader in force physical security. Funded by the U.S. DoD, U.S. DoE and the U.S. DoS for Blast Walls, Anti-ram walls and Surface Mounted Security Bollards respectively announces a new product: the Anti-Ballistic Hinged Wall for Hallways for Schools.
A retrofit system easily installed with two prepared end wide flange beams mounted into notches in the hallway, bolting into the floor and ceiling.
The anti-ballistic wall is mounted to the hinges projecting into the hallway. The anti-ballistic wall projects 4" into the hallway when in the stowed position. When released the wall can easily be pulled out to swing 90 degrees shut. Locking and sealing the entire hallway against ballistic threats. ln less than 30 seconds.
The RSA Anti-Ballistic hinged wall is construtred of AR-600 hardened steel and is the standard for vehicle armor, shielding for buildings, and the mining industry.
RSA will oversee a structural analysis of the site and prepare construction documents for the permit and installation.
Tags: walls, Security, Physical, anti-gun, anti-ballistic