VRC Companies, LLC

VRC Companies, LLC Logo

Basic Information

Address: 5384 Poplar Ave. Suite 500 Memphis, TN 38119
Phone Number: 9135434155
Person of Contact: David Cleland

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Additional Information

VRC Companies, LLC. dba Vital Records Control (VRC) is a national digital document management solutions leader. VRC® helps clients reduce costs and increase productivity throughout the information lifecycle. With its commitment to high-quality solutions and exceptional service, VRC® has become the trusted partner for businesses seeking compliant and cost-effective management of their physical and digital information assets.

The core brands under the VRC® umbrella include VitalScan® for enterprise content management; VitalChart ®, a health information management solution specializing in release of information services; VitalRecords™ for secure document storage; and VitalShred® for secure document destruction. Together, we are a powerhouse that helps organizations experience a seamless experience across all phases of the information lifecycle.