The value of mobile learning --Tutors commented on the value of mobile learning as follows.
It is important to bring new technology into the classroom.
It will be more light weight device compare to books, PCs, etc.
Mobile learning could be utilised as part of a learning approach which uses different types of activities (or a blended learning approach).
Mobile learning supports the learning process rather than being integral to it.
Mobile learning needs to be used appropriately, according to the groups of students involved.
Mobile learning can be a useful add-on tool for students with special needs. However, for SMS and MMS this might be dependent on the students’ specific disabilities or difficulties involved.
Good IT support is needed.
Mobile learning can be used as a ‘hook’ to re-engage disaffected youth.
It is necessary to have enough devices for classroom use .
Technical challenges include
Connectivity and battery life
Screen size and key size
Ability for authors to visualize mobile phones for delivery
Possibilities to meet required bandwidth for nonstop/fast streaming
Number of file/assets' formats supported by a specific device
Content security or copyright issue from authoring group
Multiple standards, multiple screen sizes, multiple operating systems
Reworking existing e-Learning materials for mobile platforms
Social and educational challenges include
Accessibility and cost barriers for end users: Digital divide.
How to assess learning outside the classroom
How to support learning across many contexts
Content's security (or) pirating issues
Frequent changes in device models/technologies/functionality etc.
Developing an appropriate theory of learning for the mobile age
Conceptual differences between e- and m-learning
Design of technology to support a lifetime of learning
Tracking of results and proper use of this information
No restriction on learning timetable
Personal and private information and content
No demographic boundary
Disruption of students' personal and academic lives
Access to and use of the technology in developing countries
Over the past ten years mobile learning has grown from a minor research interest to a set of significant projects in schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas around the world. The mLearning community is still fragmented, with different national perspectives, differences between academia and industry, and between the school, higher education and lifelong learning sectors.
Current areas of growth include:
Testing, surveys, job aids and just-in-time (J.I.T.) learning
Location-based and contextual learning
Social-networked mobile learning
Mobile educational gaming
Deliver M-Learning to cellular phones using two way SMS messaging and voice-based CellCasting (podcasting to phones with interactive assessments)
According to a report by Ambient Insight in 2008, "the US market for Mobile Learning products and services is growing at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.7% and revenues reached $538 million in 2007. The data indicate that the demand is relatively immune from the recession." The findings of the report indicate that the largest demand throughout the forecast period is for custom development services, content conversion, and media services and that the healthcare sector accounts for 20% of the total US market for mobile learning.
Technologies currently being researched for mobile learning include:
Location aware learning
Point-and-shoot learning with camera phones and 2D codes
Near Field Communications (NFC) secure transactions
Sensors and accelerometers in mobile devices in behavioral based learning
Mobile content creation (including user generated content)
Games and simulation for learning on mobile devices
Context-aware ubiquitous learning
Augmented reality on mobile devices