Uncle Bill Reads the Funnies was a local Sunday morning children's television show on KAKE-TV in Wichita, Kansas. The show was hosted by Bill Boyle, who would read the color comics section of the Sunday Hutchinson News.
Alongside Bill was Woody, a wooden dummy who Uncle Bill would ventriloquist as they read the paper. Next to Woody was Zippy, a fuzzy mystery monster hand puppet who didn't speak, would duck under the kitchen table to bring up a variety of props, and engage in zany antics related to the strip that Uncle Bill and Woody were about to read or had just read.
The show appeared to have been done in the KAKE-TV's "kitchen" studio setting.
Boyle was a minister at various local churches of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The characters would deliver a light-hearted moral lesson to the children after the reading of each funnies strip.