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Basic Information
Address: 198 Forsyth Street
New York, New York 10002
Phone Number: (646) 654-1261
Fax Number: (646) 654-1742
Email: Protond@schools.nyc.gov
Director: Paul Rotondo
Additional Information
Founded: 1999
School Setting:
A wonderful small school set in Manhattan on the Lower East Side. School borders the Lower East Side neighborhoods of Chinatown and Little Italy. Easily accessible by subwa, the closest stop is the "F" train to 2nd Avenue station.
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:25 AM - 3:17 PM with PM school to 5:00 PM
School Days in Calendar Year: 180
School Size: 200
Classroom Size: 28
Student/Teacher Ratio: 25:1
English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Foreign Language, Physical Education / Health, Art and Technology, College Guidance, Learning To Work, Special Education and English Language Learning.
All Regents Level curriculum soundly based on Common Core Standards and Skills
Percentage of Graduating Class: 74% graduation rate of Sixth Year Cohort (Transfer School)
Support Services:
Tutoring, Academic Assistance, CAMBA Learning To Work Internship Program, Advisory, Princeton Leadership Mentoring Program
Computer Capabilities:
All classrooms equipped with up to date computers for students to use. Two PC labs and one Apple Lab available for all students.
School Holidays: NYC Public School Schedule
Notable Graduates:
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Uniform Guidelines:
Residential: No
Counseling Services: Yes
Mission Statement:
Cascades is a high school focusing on students who respond better to a small setting. We provide a warm, nurturing environment in which students pursue a rich, standards-based educational program designed to create thoughtful citizens able to live interesting, productive and socially useful lives. In addition to a solid college preparatory curriculum, our students find "open doors" to teachers, counselors and administrators where they are able to receive the academic, social and emotional support needed to ensure success.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We envision Cascades High School as a collaborative community of life long learners and a school of academic excellence that embraces New York State and New York City Standards. Our mission is to create committed, responsible, visionary leaders for the 21st century. We are preparing our students through excellent instruction, which is crucial to raising standards and preparing students for their post secondary educational plans. Our purpose will be supported by student centered learning, best practices in teaching, ongoing professional development, expanded use of technology, and increased parental involvement. Our curriculum is integrated with the outside world in a safe, stimulating environment. Cascades High School is a place where all are encouraged to discover their true identities to become fully self-expressed and to achieve their highest dreams.
School History:
Cascades High School was established in 1999 as an Alternative, Transfer high school for "at risk" students between the ages of 17 and 20 who have at least 15 credits. It is located on the third and fourth floor of a building situated on the Lower East Side of Manhattan adjacent to the Chinatown community. Our diverse student body is drawn from students who have chosen to attend Cascades High School after having experienced difficulty adjusting to the traditional learning environment found in many large New York City Comprehensive High Schools. The shared commonality for all of our students is that they are over age and under-credited and want to complete requirements for a high school diploma.
The student body is served by 22 professionals and support staff, including one (1) principal, (1) assistant principal, (13) teachers, one (1) guidance counselor, two (2) secretaries, (1) computer technician and three (3) school aides. Of the 13 teachers on staff, 86% have more than 5 years teaching experience, and 81.8% hold a Masters Degree. None of the teachers is in their first year of teaching.
Cascades has been approved to offer a multiple session school day which allows us to add additional course offerings through a zero period class. This extends our minimum school day to six hours and fifty minutes and will allow students to schedule up to nine classes each semester.
SWP - TITLE I and Conceptual Consolidation of Funding Sources
Cascades High School is an approved Title I School Wide Program (SWP) and as such, we offer a wide range of support for all our staff and students. Based on a comprehensive needs assessment regarding student achievement and state standards, Cascades plans to implement school wide reform strategies designed to provide all students with additional support to meet State standards for graduation. The use of Title I SWP funding will be aligned with guidelines as to provide the following, 10% for "push-in / pull-out" teacher services, 5% to support the highly qualified teachers program insuring all fully licensed teachers are serving students. Additionally, one percent (1%) of the funds will provide for parent support while 80% will be used for direct student support services.
These funds will be co-mingled with Tax Levy funding and Title I ARRA funding to provide direct support services to all our at risk students. These funds will allow for instructional initiatives such as the following: Smaller than City Average class sizes
Professional Development and support of a highly qualified instructional assistant principal
Courses that integrate counseling and at risk counseling for all students
Using our consolidated funds allows our school to take the neediest students; those identified as over age and under credited, or at risk of dropping out of high school, and upgrading an entire educational program so that we can improve the academic achievement of all our students. Since each of our transfer students has experienced the "Lowest Achieving" category in prior school(s) we are comfortable to note that each of our efforts is designed to affect change among the neediest of students. Through the use of IDEA funding we can provide this supportive education to those students who are identified as having a learning disability and ensure that our educational programs meet the individual need of each learner.
Program and Services:
Learning To Work - Employment Internship Programs, Dance, PSAL BOY'S Basketball Team, Music Third Street Music School