Rock Creek Grant School

Rock Creek Grant School Logo

Basic Information

Address: One Indian School Drive PO Box 127
County: Corson
District: Rock Creek Grant School
Phone Number: 6058234971
Fax Number: 605-823-4350
Principal: Andrew DeCoteau

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

School Type: Tribally Controlled
Accreditation: South Dakota Accredited
School ID: Rock Creek Grant School
State District ID: SD
State School ID: SD
Grade Level: K-5, 6-8
Founded: 1914
School Setting:

Rock Creek Grant School is located on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, the South Dakota side, in Bullhead, SD

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 7:30 - 4:00
School Days in Calendar Year: 177 days
School Colors: Red, Black, and white
School Mascot: Cheifs


School Size: 62 students
Classroom Size: 14
Classroom Teachers: 4 classroom teachers, 2 special education teachers, 1 specials (Gym, Music, etc) teacher
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8 to 1
Support Services:

Gifted and Talented, STEM, Counseling, Social Worker, After School Tutoring,

Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

50 lap tops

School Clubs:

Indian Club, STEM Club, Gifted and Talented Club, Student Council,

Lunch Availability: Both Breakfast and Lunch is available
Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:


Mission Statement:

SCHOOL MISSION - The Rock Creek Grant School is an educational institution with a commitment to the individual students and their families in Rock Creek Grant School. It's mission is to create a learning environment where all students experience belonging and fulfill their unique potentials and their cultural heritage.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

SCHOOL VISION - Our Vision is for students to understand, incorporate traditional Lakota, to confidently learn mastery and independence throughout their lives, and to become model of generosity.

School History:

A Touch of History

August 26, 2021
Our community's eventful history has helped shape who we are today. This yearbook from 1974 offers a look into the past using many pictures as well as insight on important individuals and buildings in our town. You'll also find a list of the 1973-1974 Bull Head Day School staff, board members, and graduating students.

Programs and Services:

After School Tutoring, Back Pack Lunch Program, STEM Club