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Carroll Lutheran School

Basic Information
Address: 1738 Old Taneytown Road
Westminster, MD 21158
County: Carroll
Phone Number: 410-848-1050
Fax Number: 410-848-0614
Additional Information
President: (Principal)- Mandy Gilbart
School Type: Christian
Founded: 2000
Ages/Grades: Kindergarten through Eigth grade
School Setting:
At Carroll Lutheran School (CLS), the idea of service to others is central to our mission and philosophy. Therefore, service-oriented learning is incorporated whenever possible and at every grade level, whether the children are writing letters, donating to Shepherd’s Staff, singing carols at Carroll Lutheran Village, volunteering at CLS, or in the greater community. Students in grades 6-8 have many opportunities to accumulate formal service learning hours, much like their public school counterparts. These hours are counted towards the Maryland high school graduation requirements.
School Size: 103
Classroom Size: At Carroll Lutheran School (CLS), the idea of service to others is central to our mission and philosophy. Therefore, service-oriented learning is incorporated whenever possible and at every grade level, whether the children are writing letters, donating to Shepherd’s Staff, singing carols at Carroll Lutheran Village, volunteering at CLS, or in the greater community. Students in grades 6-8 have many opportunities to accumulate formal service learning hours, much like their public school counterparts. These hours are counted towards the Maryland high school graduation requirements.
Student/Teacher Ratio: 10:1
Financial Aid:
Scholarships, grants, and need-based financial aid are available
Support Services:
Services are available for students with medical or special education needs on a case by case basis
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:
Students in grades 2 through 8 are issued Chromebooks to be used in the classroom
School Clubs:
Drama, Newspaper, Lego, Music, Soccer, Lacrosse, Spanish, and more
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Plenty of parking is available in school lots
Uniform Guidelines:
See info on our school website regarding uniforms
Admissions Requirements:
Academic assessments are required for admissions/placement
Mission Statement:
Exceptional Education, Formed in Faith
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
The central purpose and goal of Carroll Lutheran School (CLS) is to provide a quality education where the love of Christ sets the tone to develop, cultivate, and nurture all aspects of learning, including spiritual, academic, and social. We strive, with God’s blessing, to support students to achieve their maximum potential so they will make morality, mutual respect, and knowledge of right and wrong an integral part of their everyday lives. We believe that a good school fosters an atmosphere of love as well as learning. We strive to ensure that Carroll Lutheran School is such a school.
We provide a proven and accredited academic curriculum supplemented with activities that support and challenge learners. Each student is valued as a unique individual and a child of God. A top priority is placed on recognizing and respecting learning differences among students. Our staff not only teaches using up-to-date learning strategies and curriculum, but guides students to achieve attitudes of self-confidence, discipline, and responsibility while serving as role models for their students.
Our school will be diligent when it comes to innovations in education, studying and evaluating trends, and implementing changes where needed in curriculum and resources. We provide structure in reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, and faith studies as well as art, general and instrumental music, physical education, health, and media services.
Our school and faculty have a family ministry as part of its mission. We endeavor to foster the relationship between church, school, and home by providing many and varied opportunities for family and community partnerships.
School History:
In May 1996, member Lutheran churches in the Westminster Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America met to explore the possibility of establishing a Christian school. A series of discussions ensued that summer about why a school should be created and what it could accomplish. Then, in September 1996, a vision/mission statement was adopted for a Lutheran school and a feasibility study followed. By December 1997, a Lutheran school was deemed both feasible and necessary and a commitment to move forward was made. A Charter and Constitution were developed in February 1998 and the first Board of Directors assumed leadership in July 1998. By the fall of 1998, the curriculum from Bethlehem Lutheran School in Baltimore was selected. St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church was chosen as the school location and Erin Porter Mullinix was hired as the school administrator in 1999. Later in 1999, the school was legally established as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit educational corporation.
On September 5, 2000, a ribbon-cutting ceremony opened the doors of Carroll Lutheran School and fulfilled a dream, with three teachers, a part-time secretary, and 38 students in kindergarten through third grade. As planned, the school began in the classroom space of St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church.
In a pivotal session, the Board of Directors met in retreat in November 2001 to set one, three, and five-year plans. A commitment to continue to add a grade per year was apparent. It also was obvious that the current facilities at St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church did not provide adequate space for continued growth. As discussion and planning continued after the retreat, the vision of our school of approximately 200 students in kindergarten through eighth grade began to take shape. The target date of September 2005 for completion of a new school was set.
A plan was initially floated to build a school adjacent to St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church; however, as the Expansion Committee and Board continued to explore the options, an agreement was made to purchase 60 acres of property in Frizzellburg, two and a half miles from the church. The school was blessed to have a core group of parents, staff, and volunteers who dedicated countless hours to bring the expansion project to its fruition. In January 2007, the new facility opened to serve the people of Carroll County and the surrounding areas.
The opening of our new facility spurred further growth, such that most of the K-5 classes were full, some with waiting lists, by the 2008-2009 school year. Despite the economic downturn and because of community and church support, we have continued to offer affordable Christian education and to experience growth, to approximately 135 students for 2009-2010.
We started off the 2009 School Year with the dedication of our new Outdoor Classroom building, built near our wetlands area through a very generous grant from Thrivent Foundation. All are excited about the possibilities of exploring the natural sciences as part of our academic curriculum and in club activities. We also continue to be blessed with extraordinary partnerships with area churches that support us in various ways, such as the sponsoring of Pastor Anne Dentry in her work with students and teachers in implementing the new Faith Studies curriculum. We continue to look forward to the development of the school in keeping with the Mission and it is evident through its annual growth that Carroll Lutheran School is meeting a need in the community for a school that offers quality education in a Christian environment. In addition to the use of a proven curriculum and excellent texts, the school has had administrators who conduct quarterly programs and teacher observations. Local and visiting Pastors lead chapel services every Wednesday so that students, staff, and families may gather in prayer and worship. The enthusiasm of teachers, staff, and families is what truly sets Carroll Lutheran School apart from others. Whether it’s a service project with Carroll Lutheran Village seniors, packing boxes for Operation Christian Child, or the St. Jude Math-a-Thon, the children are continuously engaged in activities that promote learning, service, and Christianity in action.
The Family Partnership Program (FPP) is a dedicated group of parents and other family members who vigorously support the school through fundraising activities such as Basket Bingo, and restaurant nights. They fund numerous ongoing service projects and supplemental curriculum opportunities, such as the Mobile Science Lab, and student activities such as Santa’s Secret Shop. The school operates much like a family, with a sense of caring and commitment among all involved. Whether it be a concern for the family of one of our students or a staff member, the school family unites together in support.
Carroll Lutheran School holds a Certificate of Approval from the Maryland State Department of Education. The school is also a recognized school program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Education Association.
Notes/School Information:
The Family Partnership Program (FPP) was formed to foster communication between parents and teachers as well as provide mutual support and assistance. All parents of children at Carroll Lutheran School are members and are strongly encouraged to attend all meetings held throughout the year and be active members. The FPP is involved in organizing volunteers, fundraising, sharing educational information, meeting particular needs of the school as well as building fellowship within our community.
At Carroll Lutheran School, we invite family participation to build a strong community spirit through social activities, fundraising, and daily help at the school. Each of you has special talents and gifts that would be beneficial to the school community and we call on you to share those gifts with us.
FPP holds meetings every month that school is in session (September - May). Meetings are currently held at 6:30 in the school cafeteria. FREE licensed childcare is provided by our Before and After Care staff and we try to keep the meetings to one and one-half hours. Bring the kids and get involved to help the school!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarrollLutheranSchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clsthrives/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYVNF82CD_esYC5N5mFZKEQ