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Northpoint Christian School

Basic Information
Address: 7400 Getwell Road, Southaven, MS 38672
County: DeSoto
Phone Number: 662.349.5127/662.349.3096
Fax Number: 662.349.4962
Email: ssheron@ncstrojans.com
Additional Information
President: David Manley
School Type: Christ centered, college preparatory PreK – 12 grades
Founded: 1973
Ages/Grades: Pre Kindergarten (3 years old) – 12th grades
School Setting:
School Size: 1075 Students
Classroom Size: Pre-K max is 22 students with one certified teacher and 2 assistants; Jr. K max is 15 students with one certified teacher and 1 assistant; Sr. K max is 18 students; 1 st and 2 nd grade max is 20 students; 3 rd grade max is 22 students; 4 th through 12 th grade max is 25 students
Student/Teacher Ratio: 15/1
Financial Aid:
Need based Financial Aid available on a limited basis
Macmillan/McGraw Hill, Harcourt Math, Saxon Math, Shurley English , Scott Foresman, Abeka, Wordly Wise, SMILA, Glencoe, Foundations and Frameworks
Percentage of Graduating Class: 100%
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
School Clubs:
Sr. High and Jr. High National Honor Societies, Mu Alpha Theta, Knowledge Bowl Team, Latin Honor Society, Class Officers, Sr. High and Jr. High Student Council, Student Ambassador
The following clubs change year-to-year. Each student must participate in a club each year. Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Ham Radio Club, Green Club (recycling), Health Club, Scrap Booking Club, Adopt-A-Squad (writing a soldier), Barnabas Bells (study life of Barnabas and send encouraging notes), Asian Culture Club, Drama Club, Board Games Club, Current Events Club, Culture Wise Christianity, Sr. Video Club, Music Club, Spanish Club, Spiritual Truth in Media Club, Bake/Taste/Take Club, Holy Cow Club (help fight hunger and poverty), Math is Fun Club, St. Jude Children’s Hospital Club, Scrabble Club, Servants for Christ Club, International Missions Club, Girls with Gratitude Club
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Large Parking Lot
Admissions Requirements:
Requirements: 50th percentile in reading and minimum IQ of 90. Must be able to attend previous school at time of enrollment.
Mission Statement:
As a Christ-centered, college preparatory school, Northpoint Christian School enables our students to:
• know and honor Jesus Christ
• grow in knowledge and wisdom
• reach their God given potential
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We believe that Northpoint Christian School is an extension of the ministry of the church and cooperate with the home to educate the student.
We believe that God is the source of all Truth, and true education must be based on His revealed Word.
We believe that the integration of God's Word into all that we teach is essential to the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of our students.
We believe in a structured curriculum that has been filtered through the Word of God.
We believe that the curriculum should provide opportunity for each student, as a special creation of God, to be educated as an individual with his abilities, personality, and potential.
We believe, testify, and demonstrate in our own lives, the reality of a personal encounter and walk with Jesus Christ as presented in God's Word.
We believe our purpose is to develop in students the “mind of Christ” (Philippians 2:5) so that God's Truth becomes an inseparable part of their lives and thinking processes.
School History:
Northpoint Christian School began as a vision. Ten churches desired a different kind of school for their children where prayer was an essential component and Biblical principles were implemented as part of the curriculum. This vision became a reality in the fall of 1973 when the school, known as Southern Baptist Educational Center (SBEC) began meeting in two area churches and graduated twenty-four students in the spring of 1974. SBEC moved into its own campus in the Memphis, Tennessee community and over time Broadway Baptist Church assumed operations of SBEC as one of its many ministries. In August 2013, the name of the school changed from SBEC to Northpoint Christian School.
Our facility is located on sixty-one acres in DeSoto County , Mississippi and offers academic, artistic, and athletic opportunities. Northpoint Christian School remains committed to offering excellence in Christian education as we seek to equip the next generation.
Notes/School Information:
Honors and AP courses are offered.