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All About Dance and So Much More

Basic Information
Address: 132 E. National Road Vandalia, Ohio 45377
Phone Number: 937-280-4188
Email: allaboutdancellc@yahoo.com
Person of Contact: Vanessa Spicer
Additional Information
Lesson Types: Creative Preschool Program, Music, Dance, Martial Arts
Styles/Genres: Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop
Instruction Levels: Pre-K thru Adult
Hours: 3 - 8, TTh 3 - 8 Sat 12 - 3 Closed Sunday
Class Schedule: see website
Ages: all
Gender: both
Capacity: 10-20
Pricing: Approx $10/class
Payment Methods: cash, check, credit card
Setting/Location(s): casual, family environment located in the heart of Vandalia
Program Highlights:
ALL ARE WELCOME - it's what we are all about!
Dress Code: Modesty counts! No words on backside of pants or exposed midriff. Class dress codes apply
Recitals: Separate recitals for Creatives (preschool) and School Agers - we strive to accommodate age-appropriate activities and to keep our mini-recital at an hour.
We offer a performance dance company AADC, which performs for community events. Being on our Ensemble team gives our dancers additional time to do what they love. Our motto: we dance to express - not to impress.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We believe that the art of dance is a form of expression that enhances all areas of life and that people of all ages benefit from it.
Social Networks:
facebook, website, instagram