Katja Ahlstrom, MFT

Basic Information

Address: 5805 Capistrano Ave Ste B: Atascadero, CA 93422
Phone Number: 805-215-0373

Action Shots

Katja Ahlstrom, MFT

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Additional Information

Treatment Services: Eating Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Grief, trauma, HIV and Aids
Treatment Model: Client centered, DBT, CBT, EMDR, overall eclectic
Ages Served: 12-95
Gender: male and female
Duration: depending on need
Night Admission Available: No
Weekend Admission Available: Yes
Interview Required: No

private practice

Pricing: $60-90 an hour as well as insurance billing
Accreditation Licenses: MFC
Professional Affiliations: CPH professional liability insurance
Organization Memberships: psychology today
Area of Focus:

eating disorders, grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder

Treatment Philosophy: help my clients become more aware of how old patterns get in the way of the achievement of life goals. Through an eclectic approach, I aid clients in resolving old behaviors and opening up solutions from within themselves. I combine this approach with methods from cognitive therapy, art therapy, dream work, DBT and focusing oriented psychotherapy, which follows a body/mind path to treatment. When needed, I take a team approach, working closely with doctors and psychiatrists. In my practice I see adults, adolescents and children. As needed, I conduct group psychotherapy.


Support Groups:

Born and raised inGermany for twenty years, and having traveled to many places in the world, I have always had a curiosity and liking for people. When I moved to California, I studied theatre/Arts and received my Associates degree in Acting/ Directing, which further inspired me to study people in more depth, which lead me to studying Psychology. It also helped me immensely in overcoming issues with self esteem and insecurities. I also enjoy incorporating aspects of drama/arts into treatment to foster healing. I received my Masters in Clinical Psychology in 2006, and moved to the CentralCoast, where I worked as an Intern mainly in the Eating Disorder field for four years, completing 3000 hours, until my licensure in 2011. Some of the work experience I had includes: eating disorders, grief counseling, working with HIV and Aids clients, substance abuse, as well as, anxiety and depression/bipolar. I believe that as human beings, we have the innate wisdom to heal ourselves, but sometimes we need a little help and guidance on our way to get back on the path that is right for us. I want to help guide you back to this path and find a connection to your “Self” again, using an approach that is tailored to your individual need.