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Counterpane Montessori School

Basic Information
Address: Counterpane Montessori School
839 Highway 314
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Phone Number: 770-461-2304
Email: staff@counterpane.org
President: Brenda Erickson
School Type: Montessori Preschool through High School
Additional Information
Founded: 1974
Ages/Grades: 3 years of age through college acceptance
School Setting:
Counterpane's campus is on 14 wooded acres with organic gardens, farm animals, and a profusion of wildflowers. The academic program relies on mixed ages, an interdisciplinary curriculum, and a fully integrated arts program. The students are drawn from six counties and reflect a wide cross-section of socio-economic backgrounds.
The student body from pre-school through high school is divided into three self-contained communities of learners: Montessori Primary (3 to 6 years), Lower School (6 to 12 years), Upper School (12 to 18 years). This format ensures an environment in which each student advances to the next piece of work only when mastery is achieved, therefore developing intellectually and emotionally at his or her own rate. Woven throughout the academics, writing, problem solving, public speaking, time management, the creative arts, community service, and exploring one's interests are integral parts of the curriculum at every level.
School Size: 100 students
Classroom Size: 3 mixed age communities of 30-35 students
Student/Teacher Ratio: 15 to 1
$17,000 for the 2021-2022 school year
Financial Aid:
as available
Montessori philosophy at all levels - preschool through high school. College preparatory curriculum only. Integrated arts, individualized curriculum, project based, reading and writing intensive.
Percentage of Graduating Class: To date, 100% accepted to four year colleges or universities
Support Services:
After School Programs: Yes
Addmission Process:
Admissions is handled on a case-by-case basis that begins with a scheduled visit by the student and parents.
Computer Capabilities:
Students bring their own computers. Wifi is provided by the school.
School Championships:
We generally do not participate in competitions. However, as each class has its own personality, we have followed the students into basketball, one-act-play, and debate competitions. Although we only competed in each one time (again, following the class), we won the regions in the one-act-play and debate competitions the year we participated. I think that says much about how well our students understand commitment, whatever the task at hand.
School Clubs:
We offer TED-ED Club for students ages 8-18 and Interact Club for our middle and high school students.
Notable Graduates:
The most notable characteristic about our graduates is that most go on to complete graduate study in college or universities.
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Uniform Guidelines:
Specific school uniforms are required for elementary students only.
Mission Statement:
Counterpane’s mission is to assist the development of students as academically and creatively engaged, community-sensitive, responsible people who know themselves well. It should be understood that our success in this mission is more of a function of the self-discipline and the attitude of the student than of the student’s “intelligence quotient.”
School History:
The Montessori Community School, Inc. d/b/a Counterpane School is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization founded in 1974 and incorporated in 1976. Until 1981 the school offered only Montessori Primary classes. Beginning in 1981, a new academic level was added each year. Our first graduating class was in 1991. To date, 100% of our graduates have been accepted to four year colleges or universities.
In 1995 Counterpane School became a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools, a national school reform organization founded at Brown University, and has incorporated its tenets ever since.
Among the colleges and universities from which our graduates hold degrees are: Auburn University, Boston College, Bowdoin College, Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, Claremont McKenna College, Colorado State University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, Macalester College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), New Mexico School of Mining and Technology, Penn State University, Princeton University, Sweet Briar College, University of Georgia, and University of North Carolina.
Social Networks:
Facebook: @Counterpane Montessori School
Twitter: @CounterpaneMont
Pinterest: counterpane.org