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Home | National Directories | Library Schools | University of Kentucky School of Information Science |
University of Kentucky School of Information Science

Basic Information
Address: 320 Lucille Little Library
Lexington KY 40506
Email: will.buntin@uky.edu
Admissions Contact: Will Buntin
Additional Information
School Type: University
Public/Private: Public
Area of Concentration:
Academic Librarianship
Children's Services
Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics
Public Librarianship
School Librarianship
Young Adult Services
Academic Librarianship
Children's Services
Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics
Public Librarianship
School Librarianship
Young Adult Services
Distance Education Options:
100% online program available
100% online program available
Classroom Size: 30
Admissions Requirements:
Graduate application
3 recommendations
Personal statement
Additional Information:
The School of Information Science focuses on educating future information professionals who engage in information management and services designed to connect people, information and technology through communication. The School offers an undergraduate minor in information science, a major in information communication technology, two master's degrees in information communication technology and library science and a graduate certificate in instructional communication. Our faculty are productive researchers and caring educators with a wide range of specialties in information science and communication. Our faculty are deeply committed to helping students discover and prepare for their professional goals. Our curriculum emphasizes a balance between theory and practice, encourages student engagement in discussion and research and offers students opportunities to apply their classroom knowledge to the community.
We are proud of the education and services we provide for the information profession and society. I invite you to explore our school's website where you can find out more about who we are and what we are doing. Please let us know if you have any questions. I look forward to learning about you as well.