Summit Salon Academy Tampa

Summit Salon Academy Tampa Logo

Basic Information

Address: 4802 Gunn Highway, Tampa, FL
Phone Number: 3052191579
President: Joanne Powers

Action Shots

Summit Salon Academy Tampa
Summit Salon Academy Tampa
Summit Salon Academy Tampa

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Admissions Director: Natasha Largent
School Type: Post-Secondary Trade School
Organization Affiliation: ACCSC, Loreal Professional Academy
Degrees Offered:

Massage Therapy
Skin Care Specialist
Spa Therapy
Full Specialist

School Setting:

his is your dream - and we are here to help you make that dream a reality. Summit Salon Academy Tampa believes that happiness comes from doing what you love. We are committed to elevating our industry by teaching students innovative, proven Summit Salon™ systems that help future service providers grow their careers faster, better, and STRONGER.

There are incredible opportunities in this industry - financial independence, creativity, joy and empowerment. Your Summit Salon Academy journey begins with just one question:

"How are you going to change the world?"

School Size: 200 Students per year
Classroom Size: 16
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1 to 16
School Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Day after Christmas

Summit Salon Business Center

Housing Availability:


Housing Type: n/a
Diversity: Diverse Student and Staff Population


Financial Aid:

Available for those who qualify

Admissions Requirements:

Must be 18+ and have a high school diploma or GED

International Students:


Notable Graduates/Alumni:

Blake Reed Evans

Social Media:
