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Early College High School
Basic Information
Address: 2990 Mesa Verde Drive East
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
District: Newport-Mesa Unified School District
College Partner: Coastline College
County: Orange
Phone Number: 714-424-7990
Fax Number: 714-424-4789
Partner Website: https://www.coastline.edu
Email: dmartinez@nmusd.us
Head of School: Dr. Dave Martinez
School Type: Early College High School
Additional Information
Ages: Grades 9-12
Accreditation: Western Association of Schools & Colleges (WASC) accredited through June 30, 2030.
District ID: 0627240
School ID: 062724011702
State District ID: CA-3066597
State School ID: CA-3066597-0111666
Founded: 2006
Registration Deadlines: Application deadline is first Friday of May.
School Hours: M-Th: 8:50am-3:40pm; F: 9:30am-3:40pm
School Setting:
Early College High School (ECHS) is a dual enrollment high school that serves Newport-Mesa Unified School District. All students who attend ECHS are full-time high school students who are taking a blend of high school college preparatory classes along with onsite college courses taught by Coastline College. Students have the opportunity to earn their IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) Certificate and up to two years of free college units that coulld lead to at least one associate degree.
ECHS is located in the Mesa Verde neighborhood within Costa Mesa. ECHS students are residents of both Costa Mesa (90%) and Newport Beach (10%). ECHS is very much supported by the community as the PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) is very engaged with promoting family involvement at school activities held both during the school hours and at evening/weekend events. ECHS also has several community partners who serve as outside resources for the students and their families at no cost.
School Size: 200
Classroom Size: 20
Student/Teacher Ratio: 18/1
Graduation Rate: 100%
Classes Offered: All high school academic classes meet a-g. All college courses offered meet the IGETC requirements or specific NMUSD graduation requirements.
Admission Requirements:
ECHS has an application process for interested students in the 8th grade. Their window to apply is early October through the first Friday of May. Current high school students can apply to ECHS to be considered for transfer at any time, but must be on track to graduate and aspiring to be a-g eligible upon graduation.
Admissions Deadline: First Friday of May.
Support Services:
Counseling, Mental Health, Academic Intervention.
Computer Capabilities: Each ECHS student has an NMUSD assigned Chromebook and charger which they keep they entire time until he/she graduates. Students are expected to bring their Chromebooks to school daily.
Parking Space/Availability:
ECHS uses the main parking lot daily. There is a back lot that is only opened when ECHS is hosting events that require extra parking needs.
Mission Statement:
Enhancing college and career readiness through rigorous and relevant learning experiences and meaningful, supportive relationships.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Early College High School was founded on the principles of facilitating Rigor, Relevance and Relationships as vital components of the educational experience for our students.
Rigor - Offering students a challenging, yet focused and accessible, curriculum that promotes critical thinking as well as content knowledge.
Relevance - Providing students with interesting learning experiences that are applicable to their personal life, or are connected to real-world contexts.
Relationships - The positive connections between students, their peers, teachers and school staff that create a safe learning environment of trust and support.
Summer Sessions:
ECHS does not provide any summer sessions. However, ECHS students do have access to Coastline College courses during their summer session as a way to earn more free college units before graduating from ECHS.
School History:
The foundation of Newport-Mesa Unified School District ECHS began with the Early College High School Initiative. ECHS was created on the premise that more students, particularly low-income and minority students, could have improved outcomes by combining high school and college in a supportive environment that enables struggling students to experience rigorous coursework and graduate high school with college credit and the tools for postsecondary success. The school opened in 2006, based on the principle that academic rigor, combined with the opportunity to save time and money, is a powerful motivator for students to work hard to meet serious intellectual challenges. ECHS blends high school and college in a rigorous yet supportive program, compressing the time it takes to complete a high school diploma and up to 2 years of college coursework.
Social Networks:
Instagram: early_college_high_school and early_college_asb
Twitter: @DrDaveMartinez
YouTube: Early College High School - Costa Mesa, CA YouTube Channel
Tags: echs, Early College