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Scholars Online
Basic Information
Address: 2718 162nd Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA, 98008-5427
Phone Number: (425) 644 8365
Fax Number: Contact 425 644 8365 to arrange faxes
Email: admin@scholarsonline.org
Additional Information
Founder/President/Principal: Bruce McMenomy
School Type: Online Classical Christian high school
Founded: 2005
Ages/Grades: 6-12, adult
School Size: ca. 200
Classroom Size: 1-20 depending on subject
Financial Aid:
Scholarship funds available for families in need
Greek, History and Government, Latin, Literature, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Sciences, Programming, Writing
Summer Courses vary from year to year, but generally include 8-9 week sessions on
• Literatature: Looking at Middle-earth; Summer Shakespeare (plays read change each year)
• Programming: Starting from SCRATCH, Basic HTML Website Design
• Science: The Chemical History of the Candle
• Philosopy: Plato's Laches
• Geography: Around the World in Nine Weeks
• Composition: Molding Your Prose, Molding Your Argument, Practical Grammar, Writing the Research Paper
• Study Skills: How to Become a Precocious Student
Academic Year Curriculum (Junior - High School) may include the following courses, depending on enrollment:
o Greek: Greek II
o Latin: Latin I, II: Introduction; Latin III: Histories, Latin IV: Caesar and Vergil (AP Preparation), Latin V: Latin Literature, Medieval Latin.
o Latin Reading Groups: Latin Bible for Beginners, Vulgate Reading Group
o Philosophy: Great Debates
o Literature: Fairy Tales—Myths—Folklore, The Thought Plickens, World Literature, Western Literature to Dante, American Literature, English Literature, and Senior English
o History and Government: World History World History II (15th Century to the Modern Age)
o Math: pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry
o Sciences: Natural Science 1 & 2, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
o Composition: Cursus Scriptorum Writing Program (asynchronous), Writing for the Collge-bound (class meetings)
Support Services:
Membership support, academic advising (972) 696-9161; technical support (425) 753-3156.
System Requirements:
All courses are online, and only a browser is required for most courses whose discussion sections use Scholars Online’s own Seminarium environment, hosted on our secure server. Math and modern language courses may use the Zoom videoconferencing application for audio support. FireFox is recommended for students taking science courses, to support MathML input.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We try to create a safe environment where students from diverse backgrounds could meet together and learn to participate in civil discourse with those who might not necessarily share the same view point, while recognizing that all people are God's beloved children and should be treated with respect. No statement of faith is required of any student, and teachers, while all professing Trinitarian Christianity, bring their experiences from diverse faith traditions to the community, and include Quakers, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Catholics.
School History:
Scholars Online was founded in 2005 as an independent school by former ISLAS teachers, some of whom started teacher online in 1995. The school was fully accredited in 2009 - 2017 through NWAC/AdvancEd and is accredited starting with the 2020-2021 academic year through MSA-CESS.
Awards and Recognition: Winner four years running for iLearn Awards by Practical Homeschooling Magazine in the categories of Online Academies, Classical Studies, History, Latin, Science, and core high school and middle school programs.
Notes/School Information:
Scholars Online was founded to promote rigorous classical Christian education for college-bound students and life-long learners. Most students are in grades 6-12, but adults are welcome to take courses as well, and some teachers offer individual tutorials to accommodate different learning rates or scheduling issues. For parents, this is a great opportunity to really learn Latin, Greek, chemistry, or pre-calculus for yourself, to be better prepared to help or teach your own students!
Academic year classes meet up to three times weekly with teachers in live chat sessions — the technology used varies by teacher and subject and may include text chat, audio chat, or whiteboards, and most courses rely on open-source Moodle technology to provide homework assignments, quizzes, and student feedback. Chat sessions are usually scheduled during the US day from 9am to 6pm Eastern. Course tuition depends on the number of meetings per week, but generally runs from $350/year for courses meeting once a week for an hour to $600/year for courses meeting multiple times a week with extensive student feedback.
Course tracks include World History (two years), Latin (up to seven years), Greek (up to seven years), French (up to three years), Mathematics (Algebra through calculus), Philosophy (Logic and Reasoning), Literature (up to five years), and Science (up to six years), with unique courses in listerautre (Western Literature to Dante), history of science, Old English, and Spanish for Adults, and programming. Check the complete academic year course offerings at Scholars Online.