Erwin Street Elementary School

Basic Information

Address: 13400 Erwin St. Valley Glen, CA 91401
County: Los Angeles
District: Los Angeles Unified
Phone Number: (818) 988-6292
Principal: Dr. Helen Kim

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

School Type: Public
Grade Level: K-5
School Mascot: Eagle
School Size: 820
Support Services:

Nurse, psychologist, speech therapist, resource teachers, orchestra teacher, special education teachers, learning center, library.

After School Programs: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Desktops or laptops in all classrooms. Wireless capability.

Lunch Availability: Breakfast and lunch served.
Programs and Services:

Nutrition Network, Arts Prototype, Youth Development Program, Youth Services.