Gonzalo & Sofia Garcia Elementary

Basic Information

Address: 6550 Westside Dr El Paso, TX 79912
County: El Paso
District: Canutillo ISD
Phone Number: 915-877-1200
Fax Number: 915-877-1219
Principal: Sheryl Maxsom

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

School Type: K-5
Accreditation: TEA Acceptable
District ID: 071907
School ID: 105
State District ID: 071907
State School ID: 071907105
Grade Level: K-5
Founded: 2007
School Setting:

Rural setting. Campus sits among cotton fields, pecan grove, small ranchettes with cows and horses

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:00 AM - 2:55 PM
School Days in Calendar Year: 180
School Holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Break, Martin Luther King Day, Spring Break, Good Friday, Memorial Day
School Colors: red, black, silver
School Mascot: Raven
School Size: 600
Classroom Size: 21:1 average
Classroom Teachers: 33
Student/Teacher Ratio: 21:1 average
Support Services:

Special Education, 504, CEI Lab

After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

5 computers in every classrom; lab in library with 24 computers; separate lab with 29 computers; all teachers have laptops.

School Championships:


School Clubs:

Student Council

Lunch Availability: Recess before Lunch
Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:

No uniforms

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Gonzalo & Sofia Garcia Elementary community is to empower students to succeed in a multicultural setting and to provide a challenging learning environment, thus preparing all students to meet the challenges of a changing global society.

Enrollment Characteristics: 85% Hispanic, 12% White, 2% African American, 1% Other; 67% Free and reduced lunch
School History:

School was founded in 2007. Named after Gonzalo and Sofia Garcia, who were founders of Canutillo ISD in 1958. Building was completed and ready for occupancy on March 31, 2008. Founding Principal was Sylvia Y Gonzalez.

Notable Graduates:


Programs and Services:

504, Special Education, Computer Education Instruction lab