Paramount Charter Academy

Paramount Charter Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 3624 S. Westnedge Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49008-2969
County: Kalamazoo
District: Kalamazoo
Phone Number: 269-553-6400
Fax Number: 269-553-6401
Principal: Mrs. Kathleen Grinwis

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

School Type: No Cost Public Charter
Grade Level: Pre-K, K-5, 6-8
Founded: 1998
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:15AM to 3:15PM
School Colors: Navy Blue and White
School Mascot: Panther
Cluster: No Boundaries

No Boundaries

School Size: 605+
Classroom Size: Average 28/30
Classroom Teachers: 25+
Student/Teacher Ratio: 14/1
Support Services:

All day Para Pro's in Young Five Kindergarten and Kindergarten, support Para Pro's in all other grades.

After School Programs: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Parent room has two computers for parents to access anytime and our media center has over 38, and Middle School Computer Lab available.

School Clubs:

Flag Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Swim Team, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Girls on Track, Girls on the run, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Daisies, Brownies

Lunch Availability: 7 & 8th grade eat in gym, all other grade levels in classroom
Parking Spaces/Availability:

On site

Uniform Guidelines:

Dress Code

Mission Statement:

Challenging Each Child To Achieve - To College and Beyond!

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

National Heritage Academy is based on 4 Pillars:
Academic Excellence, Moral Focus, Student Accountability and Parent Partnerships

Enrollment Characteristics: Open Enrollment ends Feb. 28th, 2012 for the 2012-2013 Academic Year
School History:

Paramount Charter Academy has no boundaries, so ALL are WELCOME! We are in our 14th year of educating students. Preparing them for college and teaching them the benefits of Moral Character and Leadership.


Programs and Services:

Special Education/Special Needs students

Notes/School Information:

All our teachers are Michigan State Accredited, many with a Masters Degree, and all responsible for continuing education credits.

We offer Spanish from Young Five's Kindgergarten-8th grade with French as one of the Middle School electives.  Art, Physical Education, Media Center/Technology, and Music are considered "Specials Classes" which Paramount Charter Academy feels are crucial to the development of all children, to embrace culture and help each student discover their abilities.

Visit us on facebook or at our website:  www.ParamountCharterAcademy.Org to apply today!