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RAI Online Charter School
Basic Information
Address: 5253 5th Street
Fallbrook, CA 92028
County: San Diego
District: Vallecitos
Phone Number: 1.866.376.0291
Fax Number: 760.990.4563
Email: info@raicharter.net
Principal: Mr. Jarom Luedtke
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
School Type: Public Charter
Accreditation: WASC Accredited
District ID: 68437
School ID: 6040562
Grade Level:
K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Founded: 2004
School Setting:
Online Virtual Classrooms
School Schedule (Hours in Day): Varies depending on schedule
School Days in Calendar Year: 180
School Size: 200
Classroom Size: 25
Student/Teacher Ratio: 25/1
Mission Statement:
The Mission of the RAI Online Charter School (RAI) is to enable all students in grades K-12
to become self-motivated, competent, lifelong learners equipped with rigorous academic standards
as well as the technological and problem solving skills necessary to become contributing members of society in
the 21st century. RAI is founded on the principles of a classical education, advanced use of technologies and
teachers as professionals. The school was chartered with the vision that all students should receive a college preparatory course of study to ensure they become effective citizens.
Enrollment Characteristics: ENRICHING AND INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING: In a traditional school, students typically experience a passive learning environment. At RAI, our students are immersed into an amazing educational experience that stimulates the senses. Research shows that true learning takes place when stimulated neurons fire at many locations at the same time. Our students learn through visual, auditory, and tactile multimedia experiences. They enjoy a social environment with their peers that facilitates positive thoughts and emotions. Students have the ability to excel when they are ready to advance or get extra help, if needed. Classes are tailored around the students' needs and interests.
CLASSICAL CURRICULUM: RAI utilizes a classical, standards-based, education that applies the principles of the trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric). A good education encompasses abstract thought, aesthetic appreciation, and empirical inquiry; integrating each child's unique linguistic and cultural traditional and its contributions to our society. It is language and logic focused, equipping all students with the ability to express conclusions effectively with the use of real-world based projects. RAI uses a wide variety of instructional strategies, tools, and resources. CLICK HERE for more information.
ANYWHERE HOME EDUCATION: Students work from home, our computer lab, or from just about anywhere else in the world. We have had students travel to New Zealand, Japan, Mexico, Afghanistan, and other countries; attending live classes as if they were in the same room as the teacher and other students. Students with wireless connections have attended classes while traveling in cars, trains, ships, and even airplanes. Parents that travel for work have found that RAI provides them with the quality family time that they desire. Imagine the flexibility that this brings to families!
REAL WORLD APPLICATION: Students often complain that school is boring or that they cannot relate to what they are asked to learn. Our classes are designed to teach students all of the important standards, but using projects and instructional strategies that make learning fun and relevant. Our students are able to choose topics and projects that important to them.
COLLEGE PREPARATORY: RAI prepares students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be informed and productive citizens in the 21st century. Our students are accepted into a wide variety of public and private universities and colleges. Some students choose a technical or vocational school to prepare them for their career choice.
SAFETY AND SECURITY: RAI students work from home (or anywhere else), giving parents piece of mind knowing that their child is doing well. Our school has very high standards for student behavior and communication. Additionally, the staff works hard to create a caring, family-friendly environment.
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES: From our incredible virtual classroom environment to our amazing artificial intelligence math curriculum; we work hard to find, implement, and create the best technologies available for students. Everyday, teachers and students meet in their virtual classrooms and use these tools to truly provide students with the best possible education. CLICK HERE for a virtual tour of some of our technologies.
ENGAGING FIELD TRIPS: One of the obvious benefits to a home education is the flexibility to actually experience what is learned in the classroom. Those experiences enirch the child's education and motivates them to dig deeper. Field trips are organized all year long, throughout our communities. Although attendance is optional, we encourage all of the students to bring their parents and siblings whenever possible.
SMALL CLASS SIZES: In contrast to the large, crowded classrooms found at almost every other school; RAI class sizes are never more than 25 students (and often even smaller). Teachers have the time to work one on one with students and ensure that all students are learning to their full potential.
CARING, QUALIFIED TEACHERS: Plain and simple... our teachers are the best in their field! They are all NCLB qualified and fully credentialed in their content areas. They have extensive training in technology, instructional strategies, and the content standards. Our teachers are extremely caring and provide a warm, family-friendly classroom environment.
FUN, LIVE ONLINE CLASSES: Let's be real... who likes to sit at a desk listening to a teacher talk all day long? Our school is designed to fully engage students into their education. Children love video games because they appeal to the senses and immerse them into the environment. Our classes operate on a similar level making learning fun and motivating students to succeed. Students enjoy the social aspect of working together learning interesting, relevant topics in their classes with their teachers.
HIGHER GRADES AND SCORES: One of our core values is that as students are motivated to effectively learn the core knowledge and standards, then they are more confident and successful at the next level. Students succeed in a positive upward cycle of higher motivation and greater success.
MOTIVATION AND EXCITEMENT: Our virtual environment and inspiring teachers create the perfect recipe for success! At RAI, students are fully immersed into their education, can clearly see their goals, and motivate each other to greatness. By removing the walls, higher student achievement becomes reality.
ACCELERATED ACHIEVEMENT: Whether your child wants to graduate early, make up missing credits, or just excel; our classes offer the flexibility to make it possible! Please let us know your goals, and we can work out an individualized plan to make it happen.
CHOICES AND FLEXIBILITY: We understand that families have different needs and unique schedules. We can individualize schedules and classes that meet your needs.