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Westwood Elementary School

Basic Information
Address: 912 Oakdale Street
Manchester, TN 37355
County: Coffee County
District: Manchester City Schools
Phone Number: 931.728.3412
Fax Number: 931.723.0221
Principal: Mrs. Sandra P. Morris
Additional Information
School Type: Public
Accreditation: SACS accrediated by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
District ID: 0161
School ID: 010
Grade Level:
Pre-K, K-5
Founded: 1967
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8am - 2:40pm
School Days in Calendar Year: 180
School Holidays: Labor Day, Fair Day, Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break,MLK Day, President's Day, Spring Break
School Colors: Royal Blue and Gold
School Mascot: Eagle
School Size: Around 620 PK - 6th gr.
Classroom Size: Lower grades avg. 18 Upper grades avg. 22
Classroom Teachers: All Highly Qualified
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1:20 - Kindergarten 2:18
Support Services:
Full time Family Resource Director that organizes Hygiene classes, Parenting classes and other supportive services; Half-time Counselor; Extended School Program; Afterschool Tutoring Program.
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: No
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:
Two full computer labs and at least 4-6 computers in each classroom.
School Championships:
Westwood is a state and nationally recognized school. It is a reference site for Scientific Learning’s Fast Forword Family of Programs. It is a Saxon Phonics School and has been recognized twice as a National Title I Distinguished School and twice as a TN Title I Distinguished School. Last year Westwood was recognized by the State Education Department of Education as an Exemplary Inclusion School.
School Clubs:
Science Club, Geography Club, Spelling Bee Club, Jr. Beta Club, Accelerated Reader Club
Girls and boys basketball teams and cheerleaders for grades 4th - 6th gr.
Lunch Availability: School lunches and breakfast served everyday.We are offering Breakfast in the Classroom for younger students and Grab ‘n Go Breakfast after first period for 5th and 6th graders. Both are successful and get the brain “powered” for the day.
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Large Parking lot and visitor parking in front of school
Uniform Guidelines:
Students shall dress and groom in a clean, neat and modest manner so as not to distract or interfere with the
operation of the school.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Westwood Elementary School is to educate students in a safe, supportive learning enviroment; to help students obtain the skills and knowledge needed to achieve academic proficiency and beyond; and to be successful, repsonible citizens.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We envision Westwood Elementary School to be a high performing learning culutre within a safe enviroment which provides quality education for all students.
Enrollment Characteristics: Any student entering Manchester City Schools for the first time must present the following documents to
the Education Information Systems Clerk located at the Administration Building in order to begin the
enrollment process:
1. A birth certificate or officially acceptable evidence of date of birth at time of registration.
2. Evidence of a current medical examination (recorded on State Health Department form).
3. Evidence of state-required immunizations (recorded on State Health Department form).
4. Proof of legal custody and legal residence.
5. Social Security number.
School History:
Westwood Elementary was built in 1967 with two major renovations and additions in 1987 and 2005. The school now has expanded 3 pre-schools classes including one special ed. Students continue to enjoy our Courtyard and Outdoor Classroom. Our walking track and fitness center were completed during the summer.
Programs and Services:
Family Resource Program that helps meet the physical needs of our students whose families are in need, organizes and teaches hygiene classes, parenting classes and other supportive services; Extended School Program; STARS-afterschool tutoring program;
Notes/School Information:
Westwood Elementary is located at 912 Oakdale Street in Manchester, TN. 37355 Our phone is 931-728-3412 and FAX is 931-723-0221. First day of school for the 2010 school year is August 9, 2010 and last day is May 27, 2011.