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Cotton Center ISD

Basic Information
Address: P O Box 350
Cotton Center, Tx 79021
Phone Number: 806 879-2160
Fax Number: 806 879-2175
Email: rjstone@cottoncenterisd.org
Superintendent: Rocky J Stone
Additional Information
Member Schools: Cotton Center Schools
Board of Directors: Clint Carthel, President
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Cotton Center Independent School District is to graduate all students with skills and values to compete successfully as life-long learners
Accreditation and Recognition: Met Standards with Distinctions
District Characteristics: Very small rural district with 125 students Pk-12
School Municipalities: Cotton Center
First year of operation was 1928 and has been stable with around 125 students.
Athletics: Cross Country, Football, Basketball, Tennis, Track, Golf
Consolidation: Cotton Center was formed as a result of 4 small community schools in 1928. No other consolidation has been considered
Belief Statements:
We the members of the Cotton Center Independent School District Community Believe:
* Every Student has an obligation and responsibility to become engaged in the Learning Process.
* Education is a community partnership
* Every student deserves to have a nurturing and safe environment
* Experiencing diversity is an opportunity provided by our school system and is part of the full development of the individual
* Every student has a right to have a quality education
* Every individual has worth and deserves respect as well as being able to show respect to others who have different opinions
* Education is a process of adapting to change
* Parental/Family involvement is a critical element in promoting success
45% White, 55% Hispanic, 65% free/reduced
Failing Schools: -NONE-
Vision Statement: Excellence in the
Learning of
Knowledge and