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DeLand-Weldon Cusd #57

Basic Information
Address: 304 East IL RT 10
DeLand, IL 61839
Phone Number: (217)736-2311
Fax Number: (217)736-2654
Email: DWHS@dwschols.org
Superintendent: Mr. Gary Brashear
Additional Information
Board of Directors: Elected Board of Education
Mission Statement:
"To prepare students to become productive citizens by facilitating a positive self-esteem, by teaching the skills necessary for work or college, and by providing opportunities to develop appropriate decision-making skills while encouraging increased parental support and emphasizing an efficient use of funds."
District Characteristics: A small rural school only 20-25 miles from urban centers such as Champaign-Urbana, Decatur or Bloomington-Normal.
Athletics: Baseball,basketball, football,softball, scholastic bowl, track, and volleyball are offered.
Delay/Closing Information: All sent through our parent notification system.
A.P. Classes: AP calculus is offered in district and AP biology and chemestry are offered online.
Transportation: Five bus routes transport the students. Buses are district owned.