Hamilton School District

Hamilton School District Logo

Basic Information

Address: W220 N6151 Town Line Road Sussex WI 53089
Phone Number: (262) 246-1973
Fax Number: (262) 246-6552
Superintendent: Kathleen M. Cooke, Ph.D.

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Member Schools: Hamilton High School, Templeton Middle School, Lannon Elementary School, Maple Avenue Elementary School, Marcy Elementary School, Woodside Elementary School, Willow Springs Learning Center (4K)
Mission Statement:

It is the mission of the Hamilton School District, a child-centered, progressive, pro-active organization, to ensure maximum achievement for each student through a respectful and active learning environment; a rigorous, relevant curriculum; and a highly qualifiied, caring staff in concert with our diverse community.

Accreditation and Recognition: NCA
District Characteristics: Providing high quality education which meets the needs of each student is our utmost priority. The district carefully monitors and attends to academic and financial benchmarks to determine competitiveness, efficiencies and monitor progress and communicates the information transparently with our constituency. The district's commitment as stewards of resources has resulted in wise use of tax dollars, prioritization of limited resources and optimization of programming.
School Municipalities: The district serves six municipalities - the villages of Sussex, Menomonee Falls, Lannon and Butler, the town of Lisbon and the city of Pewaukee.

Year founded: 1962

Other Facilities: Hamilton Fine Arts Center (HFAC) - "Enriching the community and Hamilton School District through performances that celebrate the fine arts." The primary purpose of the HFAC is to serve Hamilton High School as a center for learning and education so that high school students can learn about and participate in music, drama and art productions. Other schools in the district also will use the space as a teaching center or to stage productions
Athletics: Fall: Football, Cheerleading, Poms, Girls Tennis, Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Volleyball, Girls Golf, Girls Swimming. Winter: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling, Hockey, Boys Swimming Spring: Boys Track, Girls Track, Girls Soccer, Softball, Boys Golf, Boys Tennis Summer: Baseball

The curriculum is comprehensive - preparing students for whatever path they choose following graduation. The district prides itself on a continual curriculum updating process that reflects new programs and materials. Technology is used as a learning tool and is accessible to all students - elementary through high school. Please go to http://www.hamilton.k12.wi.us/district/curriculum to see specific curriculum guides.

Belief Statements:

We believe schools belong to the community. By building a strong K-12 educational system that operates in a fiscally responsible manner, the communities of the Hamilton School District are enhanced. The financial benefit is just one aspect. A high quality school system improves the quality of life in a community, attracts business to the area and has a positive impact on residential property values. A school system that involves and engages the community, one that maximizes the achievement of each of its students, also enhances the human potential of its citizens.


Located west of Milwaukee in northern Waukesha County, the Hamilton School District covers about 35 square miles, has more than 25,000 residents and serves 4,579 students.

Organization Goals: We will ensure rigorous, relevant curriculum and innovative instruction to support maximum achievement for each child. We will engage and empower students, differentiate instruction and ensure continuous progress for each child by implementing quality assessment practices. We will focus professional development on the knowledge and skills staff need as they educate students to thrive in an inter-connected, global community. We will utilize effective communication practices to promote understanding, support and involvement of our families, community and staff. We will create learning environments that nurture social and emotional development and respect for our diverse world. We will integrate and assess 21st century skills in the areas of financial literacy, employability skills and technological literacy.
Academics: Students' academic skills and talents show in standardized test scores consistently above national and state averages and competitive with the highest achieving districts in the state. Hamilton students have achieved the highest level of performance on ACT and Advanced Placement exams in the school's history. The College Board recognized Hamilton as one of only 367 U.S. districts to be named to its AP Honor Roll. At 89.3%, Hamilton's 2009-10 AP pass rate was highest in Waukesha County. For additional academic achievement please see http://www.hamilton.k12.wi.us/images/stories/www/factsandfigures/AnnualReport.pdf.
Failing Schools: None
Summer Schools: The Hamilton School District offers a comprehensive, pre K - 12 Academic & Enrichment Summer Opportunities program.
Vision Statement: Engage...meaningful, active involvement Empower...enabling all to find success Achieve...reaching our highest potential
A.P. Classes: Hamilton High School students have the following A.P. options: biology, physics, calculus AB, calculus BC, statistics, English literature, English language, studio art, U.S. history, European history and government. Other courses are offered periodically based on student interest, staff availability and curriculum.
Libraries: Each school in the district has a fully equipped library with a full-time librarian.
After School/Extracurricular Programs: High School: Academic Decathlon, Art Club, Band, Book Group, Bowling Club, Charger Television, Chess Club, Club Action, Club Success, Club Unique, Cultural Exchange Club, DECA, Drama, FIRST Robotics, Forensics, German Club, Graphic Arts Club, Intramural Athletics, Math Club, National Honor Society, Pep Club, Philosophy Club, Photo Club, Rainbow Alliance for Youth, Ski & Snowboard Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Troubadour student newspaper, Unity Committee, Varsity Club, Weightlifting, Yearbook Middle School: Student Council, Yearbook, Junior Robotics, Intramural Athletics, Chess Club, Drama Club, Forensics, Future Problem Solving, Ski Club, World Language Club,
Awards and Recognition: Hamilton School District is one of the highest achieving yet lowest spending districts in Waukesha County. The district received the 2010 Government of the Year Award from the Waukesha County Executive, the 2008 Public Policy Forum Salute to Local Government "Managing for Results" award, and a national award for leadership and communication in 2007. In the 2011 district community survey 48% of respondents said they believe the Hamilton School District provides better quality services and programs than other area school districts. Hamilton students have achieved the highest level of performance on ACT and Advanced Placement exams in the school's history. The College Board recognized Hamilton as one of only 367 U.S. districts to be named to its AP Honor Roll. At 89.3%, Hamilton's 2009-10 AP pass rate was highest in Waukesha County. Hamilton was awarded the 2011 "Spirit of Excellence" by the WIAA, Wisconsin Association of School Administrators and Wisconsin Association of School Councils. Templeton Middle School was named an Exemplary Middle School for the 5th consecutive year. No Wisconsin school has been named an exemplary middle school more times than Templeton Two elementary schools were recognized by the DPI as Green Schools and one was honored for implementing strategies that promote student responsibility and positive behavior. These accomplishments are in addition to numerous other achievements for academics, robotics, financial literacy, fine arts performances, marketing education, athletics, student government, school and community service activities.
Notes/School Information:


·         The district partners with business and community leaders to respond to the needs of the community through its involvement with: Business Advisory Council, local Chambers of Commerce, Service Organizations such as Lions Club and Rotary, Community Valuing Diversity Task Force, Cooperating Churches of Sussex, Sussex Outreach Services/Food Pantry, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Pauline Haass Public Library, United Way and municipalities.  The district is a founding partner in Spring Fest, the bi-annual event that celebrates the quality of life in northeastern Waukesha County.